Pranking Jake back

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I woke up to jake pranking us, he put a bunch of red solo cups filled with water covering the hole floor. He had a air horn and that's what woke us up, i got scared, ivan just woke up.

L- really
J- yup and your cleaning it up.
I- bro what is this?
J- it's a prank, you gotta get out.
L- why do you do this.
J- video.
I- I'm good with staying in bed all day. We got the remotes
L- ya.
J- but then you will have to clean it up later,
L- but then your prank fails so
J- no I got ur reaction
E- I need you bro come on.
I- what do we have to do?
E- we have to meet the guy who is doing the Comercial on hair products.
I- when?
E- 2hours.
L- wait your going to be on a Comercial?
I- ya, we have had this planed for a while,
E- get up and let's go.
J- looks like you do gotta get up, and clean it up.
I- fine,

Ivan got up and started to try to jump to the bathroom, he knocked over a bunch but got there, i followed, ivan was in the closet getting dressed, he went into the bathroom and spent around 2minutes on his hair, he came out and I was cleaning it up, I was making a little path out the door, jake was still recording. I got to the door and ivan followed, i got out and Ivan did too, i walked back into the room and finish cleaning.

Ivan chased jake, he ran down the stairs and all over, I was just about done when ivan came back up, i just had the corner and bailey's area. He helped and we finished. Jake came back in and seen it was all clean and stacked up, he dint think I would actually clean it, I did, I had to get ready, I wore this

 Jake came back in and seen it was all clean and stacked up, he dint think I would actually clean it, I did, I had to get ready, I wore this

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I got a phone call, it was my ex again.

L- what do you want now?
Z- are you with that guy?
L- my boyfriend ivan?
Z- ya
L- no he's down stairs why?
Z- i wanna see you
L- no
Z- why, we are perfect for each other
L- no, you cheated, Ivan is perfect for me, you dint want to date me till you found out about ivan.
Z- still, I want yu back
L- I moved on. You need to now
Z- i want you back though
L- i have a boyfriend and we aren't breaking up
Z- you can
L- ivan is my dream guy, I'm not breaking up with him for you, you cheated, lied, and the worst part is it was all with my best friend
Z- i made a mistake
L- i know, it's fine though, it made me move here and I found ivan
Z- so I'm the reason you started dating ivan?
L- no, that hole town. All my friend, family, everyone
Z- so your uncle and aunte are part of it too?
L- no I moved here because I new it was best
Z- you know what, I'll phone you back in a bit and you better have a answer
L- Okay
Z- bye

I hung up and went down stairs, I told jake that if a guy named Zayn Vince trys to Apply don't let him in, and I explained why.

It was 5:00pm. Ivan and Emilio just got back, I was laying in bed, I was on snapchat and I was recording that I miss ivan and he walked in, I got my reaction on it, I got up and ran over, he had left at 10:00pm, we sat down on the bed. We were walking about what we wanted to eat, I wanted poutine but Ivan wanted some spanish food, we decided on mcdonalds. I don't know how but we did my. I rode the scooter and ivan was on the boosted board. We got to place and went in, there were a few fans, we got pictures and all that, the one girl asked me if I was actually dating ivan, I said ya, she wanted us to kiss then.

It was a little awkward but we did it, she still dint believe us, I said well considering we are staying in the same room and we sleep in the same bed, and all that were dating, she finally believe us and we got are food, I got a sundae and ivan got a mcflurry. We did get 2 fries but we gave then to a homeless woman and child on the way back.

We got home and hung out with everyone for a bit, we decided to go for a swim, we phoned this really nice pool place and asked them to stay open a bit longer, we got lucky and they were fans of ivan ,the girl said she will keep it open for as long as we want,

We only ended up staying probebly 40minutes, we got home and it was 10:00pm we went up to my room and were planing a way to prank jake, we thought of a few things,

We decided on doing a Robery prank on him, I phoned zayn and asked him for a favor, he said okay and what I told him we needed him to do the main part of it, he said okay. We told him to come over and just wait outside not by the door. He got there and we gave him a black hoodie and a fake gun. We brought him in through the back, jake was in his room,

I told him to start making a bunch of noises and act like your robbing the house, make ur way up the stairs and into all rooms. Me and Ivan went back into are room,

I heard him banging around downstairs, I was still scared, he was coming up the stairs when jake came out, he chased him out, I don't know what happened after that, me and Ivan told jake it was a prank and went to bed

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