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Help me, I am lost
Treading the open waters
Nothing but clear skies rolling over my head 
My feet swimming with no support. 

Clouds soon roll over the once clear sky
the once calm waters turn into rough waves 
I am lost in a storm and sea of rage 
dark skies with wind at my stinging face. 

A large wave smacks me
taking me under with its grasp 
the current whips my body around
tumbling and turning, my eyes burning 
my body begging for air.

Swimming and fighting, i poke my head above the rough waters
waves hitting me making me disoriented 
my legs kick against the current to keep afloat 

help me, I am lost in a rough sea.

My arms, they are tired 
my eyes, red and burning from the salt 
I am soon consumed once again by the rough waves
my lungs hurting, fighting to breath from the storms grasp

My body lays still under the water

my eyes burn as I watch the waves roll from above 
the waves toss my body like a rag doll 
help me, I am drowning 

The waters soon calm down, 
my head moves in the calm water seeing the surface
moving my legs I swim to the surface, breaking through
taking a deep breath my lungs burn from it. 

My eyes fogged, rubbing them gently
stinging, burning I see land 
with all I have, kicking my now tired legs to the shore

I am no longer drowning
help me, I am on an Island alone. 

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