Chapter Seven: Welcome to Our World

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  Golden, suspicious eyes.

  An all-knowing gaze.

  Is it possible that he could have seen right through me even though he has no idea who I am?

 All those thoughts ran rampant through Frost's head as he walked home from school. The banquet had come to an end the night before, and nothing good seemed to have come of it.  The stern gaze of President Chloris was permanently seared into the boy's mind, not to mention that he and his family had to travel the five hours by car in order for him to make it to Belen Academy for class the next morning. He had only gotten a few hours of sleep, most of which had been restless. Frost was drained of all energy thanks to the past couple days.

 "He's been a politician for decades, he can probably spot anything suspicious from across the country," he said under his breath as he stepped onto the porch of his house and unlocked the front door. Neither one of his parents were home, much to his relief. The last thing he wanted to deal with was more pestering than he had already been forced to endure.

 Frost climbed the stairs sluggishly, turning his back on the kitchen and the food his mother had laid out for him on the counter. The adolescent's appetite hadn't returned since the afternoon before the banquet. He raised a hand to the side of his cranium in an attempt to calm the sudden painful pounding in it.

 As soon as he reached his room, the teen threw his backpack into a corner and knelt beside the bed, the headache intensifying with the motion. He spotted the capsule laying against the far wall but hesitated in taking it out. The egg twirled and spun slowly beneath the water's surface, its eight golden orbs almost glowing in the dim setting. Frost rested his head on the beige carpet, his body soon sprawling out as well as he observed it. Fatigue seized at his system, but his mind was awake enough to realize that the object was not as safe as he once perceived.

 "But what can I do?" Frost mumbled. "I'm going to be found out soon."

 What that meant, he had no idea. He still didn't have a clue regarding what would happen if the item was discovered, but his awareness had only heightened after the president spoke at the banquet. The logical path to follow would be to get rid of the egg as quickly as possible. However, that was completely out of the question. Frost was unwilling to give in when he was so curious about what would come from it.

 I wish Mew would have at least given me some pointers, he thought with a sigh. I can't leave it here without supervision anymore.

 Although Frost tried to get around it, he knew there was really only one option left. Much to his dismay, he had exhausted all other choices.

 He would have to bring the egg to Belen Academy with him.


 Frost knew that it was the most ridiculous idea he could have ever thought up as he drained the bathtub of its water the next day, the object bobbing up and down in the capsule in his hands.  There were a number of risks, too many to count off the top of his head. But the desire to watch over the egg won out over the possible dangers.

 It's the only way I can look after it, the boy reassured himself.

 Frost placed the tube and his textbook into his bag and firmly zipped it shut. His shoulders felt heavy as they took on the incredible weight of the pack, but he straightened himself to make it look less suspicious than it already was. As soon as he made sure he had everything, Frost hurried downstairs, cushioning his steps as he went so as to not upset the container's contents. He grabbed a snack off the kitchen counter and turned to leave, only to spot his mother standing by the front door, obviously waiting for him.

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