Chapter Twenty-Seven: Ties

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~~~ Sage Tooley ~~~

 Sage stood at attention in the living room with Frost and Mana beside her as Foxglove silently walked in and lit a cigarette. She didn't seem angry, but the girl knew better than to assume the woman's mood; she had already proven to be unpredictable. Her male companion didn't move a muscle, as if staying still would've made the lady forget he was there. 

 She sat at her desk, smoke twirling through the air and filling the room. Foxglove then looked back and forth between the three of them. She rubbed her eyes and inhaled deeply, causing the end of the cigarette to flicker.

 "I try to stay away from the news," she suddenly commented. Sage saw Frost's grip tighten around Mana. "I barely even pay attention to the mandatory broadcasts the government dishes out every now and then, but I always listened to the ones involving you. I bet you can imagine how surprised I am to learn that I'm housing the criminal mastermind everyone has been talking about." Foxglove leaned back. "Now, the broadcasts made you out to be some kind of abuser and thief. Tell me, is that the real reason they're after you?"

 Sage peered over at her comrade. He kept his eyes on the floor, and Mana poked his cheek questioningly. She sighed under her breath.

 So what the broadcasts say means more to him than he lets on.

 "You already have the answer to that," Frost muttered after a moment of tense silence. Sage saw him glance at Mana. "It's in front of you, after all."

 Foxglove didn't seem phased. She rolled the cigarette between her thumb and index finger.

 "So you're telling me that the broadcasts are false?"

 "From what I've heard, yes."

 "Interesting." Foxglove crossed her left leg over her right. "If that's the case then I will try to dig out some of the media's older broadcasts for you two to look at so you can give me the real story. But I think the most important item on the agenda right now is an explanation." She pointed at Mana. "What is that thing and where'd you get it? And why is the government after you for it?"

 Sage stared straight ahead as Frost shifted uncomfortably. She felt nervous too; the only people who had heard such information were the members of the Tanna Society and herself.

 I know she won't rat us out. Since she was in contact with dad, that means she's equally at risk of being arrested, the greenette reminded herself.

 Finally, Frost opened his mouth to speak. "I don't know how long it's been since I first got Mana -- probably a couple months at this point. I got her as an egg and raised her in my bathroom at my house in Silverkeep City until I had to run away and take her with me. She hatched the one day I brought her to school to try and keep her safe from my parents finding out. My dad is a government official so I couldn't risk anything." He hesitated. "I guess my classmates are the ones that accused me of assault. The robbery charge is because I snuck into my house later to get supplies before retreating into the Ironmist Chain."

 Foxglove raised an eyebrow. "Alright, I'm not going to ask what went through your head to think bringing it to school was a good idea, but I think I can partially understand everything else. But what is it?"

 Mana clapped her club-like arms happily and snuggled into the crook of the boy's neck. Sage involuntarily grimaced at Frost's next words.

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