Chapter Fifteen: Hot Pursuit

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It was sometime around sunrise when Sage began to slow down and falter. She lagged behind her two companions, her movements becoming sluggish and cumbersome. It was easy to tell that she was suffering from severe sleep deprivation, but Frost didn't say anything up until then. He didn't want to get an earful about minding his own business. He glanced over the shoulder Mana wasn't perched on.

I haven't seen Sage sleep once since I met her, and that was almost three days ago, he recalled.

Right then, the girl stumbled through a bush that was easily avoidable. The sudden noise of shaking twigs and rough leaves made Frost flinch. Sage grimaced and tried to get out, but only ended up prolonging the disturbance. She untangled herself and set a hand against a tree, leaning on it for support.

"Deepwind Town should be just a... few miles from here. I want to stop and send a message... to my dad when we get there," she remarked as she rubbed her eyes, her voice heavy.

Frost frowned. "Alright, but you really need some sleep. Getting to Deepwind can wait a few hours."

"Manaphy Mana," the Pokémon agreed with a nod.

Sage shook her head. "No... It's okay. I've gone for longer than this."

"That's not the point. With all the noise you're making you could easily give us away. And how are you supposed to navigate when you can't even walk in a straight line?"

"But I want to... stay awake..."

Sage's knees buckled and, out of instinct, Frost reached out. Mana jumped away just as the girl collapsed into him. The Silverkeep native shifted his grip so he could hold her under the arms. He quickly lowered her to the ground and let go. Sage slipped out of her backpack straps and set her head on it without further complaint. She must have realized that resistance was futile at that point.

Seeing the pointed look Sage gave him, Frost rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'll wake you up by sunset or if anything happens."

"You better."

With that, she closed her eyes. Once Sage had fallen asleep, Mana hopped over and nuzzled against her side, obviously deciding to take a nap as well. Frost took a seat next to the pair and looked at the leafy canopy overhead.

There hadn't been any sign of search helicopters since that one night in the Ironmist Mountains, and the only time they had seen forces on the ground was when they ran blindly through Grayhaven. According to Sage, there was still the chance of encountering government officials on their way through the forest to Deepwind Town and Valcoast, meaning that every possible precaution had to be taken.

Frost turned his gaze to Sage. There were still many unanswered questions swimming through his mind about the girl and her reluctance to give any information as to where they were headed. However, he couldn't completely blame her. He hadn't offered a full explanation on Mana, just the parts regarding his departure from Silverkeep City and the run-in with Mew. It was as if the two humans were in a stalemate.

Even though I don't agree with most of her ideas, they've worked out for us so far, Frost thought as he opened a pack of crackers. She knows what she's doing and I don't think she's going to hurt us, but there's no way to be certain just yet.


At the sound of a breaking branch, Frost snapped awake. Tiredly leaning his head back, he could tell it was mid-afternoon from the position of the sun. The heat that came with it was sweltering and made him remove his bulky winter coat. He muffled a yawn with his hand and stretched.

"Crap, I fell asleep," he remarked under his breath. By the looks of it, Mana and Sage were still resting soundly. The Pokémon was now wrapped snugly in the girl's arms, as if she was a teddy bear being held by a small child. Frost sighed quietly and reached for his bag, only to stop short upon remembering what had woken him up. He froze and listened intently. There was some kind of noise coming from an unrecognizable distance away. It was as if someone was hastily trampling through the undergrowth without a care as to who heard.

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