Part three: Human

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(Your point of view)

"I'll cook up a stew then start sewing," I announced. Inuyasha wasn't really paying attention, so I wasn't really announcing it to anybody. When I started the stew, I began to sew a kimono with the dark green and white. I used the white as a pretty strap around my waist. I hope he likes it because he picked out the colours. Inuyasha nose started to twitch when I entered the room. "So that's what you smell like when you're not wearing other people's clothes," he muttered. "Well? Do you like it?" I asked him with hopeful eyes. "It's not bad. It's pretty good since you made it yourself," he answered. Best I'm going to get. "That reminds me..." I murmured. I walked over to Inuyasha and stroked his ears. "Ow!" I shouted. The bloody half demon hit me on the head. "Don't touch my ears!" He yelled. "They're waiting to be touched! They look fluffy and cute!" I retorted.

"I'll go get some bed sheets." Inuyasha looked at me in confusion. "Why? I ain't staying the night," he told me. I rolled my eyes. "Listen, you only have two sleeping options tonight. One is to stay here willingly and get a good rest, while the other is to stay here because you passed out." I replied with a menacing grin. I went over to the stew. It was nearly done. Inuyasha was giving me distasteful looks when my back was turned. "Here you go," I said as I placed a bowl of stew in front of him. He poked the food inside of t before taking a bite. I looked at him for his thoughts. "Better," he muttered. "Not like your attitude, though. You need to get better at that," I joked. "Hey!" Inuyasha yelled. "Seriously, if you keep shouting, my ears will bleed." I laughed. He let out a small growl.

"Anyway, since you ain't letting me leave, I'm going to bed." Inuyasha said quickly. He got into the beddings I layed out and pulled the blanket over his head. "Oi, it's not that late."I complained. "Yes it is," he responded quickly. I looked at him and walked over to where he lay. "You stayed out much later yesterday," I pointed out. He let out a small growl again. I grabbed the end of the blanket and pulled it off of him. I covered my mouth briefly. Inuyasha had black hair, brown eyes and... human ears. "Leave me alone, will ya?" He groaned. I gave him a smile. "This is just, just wow. It's so cool! Don't be ashamed of it," I told him. A glare came my way. It was a mix of annoyance and confusion. "Being a human is exactly thrilling," he muttered. "Being given dirty looks when you walk through a village can't  be either. It's not that bad," I told him.

I sat down next to him and played with his hair. "Will you get off me for once?" He groaned. In defiance, I shook my head and continued playing with his hair. He grabbed my wrist. "It wasn't a question," he hissed. "It wasn't a demand, either." I rebutted. I stood up and put the blanket back over him. "You're no fun," I said with an exaggerated grumpy face. "Then why bother?" Inuyasha said with an irritated tone. "You need to socialise. You need to make friends and, in all honesty, you can't be that bad. Well, from what I heard at least." I explained. He grunted and turned over in his bedding. "Well, night to you too, then." I said as I got comfortable in my own bed.

*time skip to the morning brought to you by pain and suffering*

"Morning (y/n). I brought breakfast," Kohaku said particularly loudly as he entered my house.  "Why is he here?" He whispered. I looked over to Inuyasha and gave him a nudge. He let out a moan and tensed up his body. "Because I told him to," I replied. I nudged him again. "What?" He said, annoyed. "Nice people do a little thing called giving. They do it when not asked. Like nice Kohaku over here has brought us breakfast. In response to a nice person, you graciously accept what they gave you. And breakfast is delicious, so get up." I explained, half joking. Kohaku let out a small laugh as he started to put breakfast out on the table. "I guess grandpa did tell me he might be here and should pack extra. I didnt believe him, but I packed extra anyway. Looks like I was wrong," he laughed.

I laughed with Kohaku too, before giving Inuyasha another nudge. "Break fast," I said again. He started ignoring me and didn't move. I rolled my eyes and started pulling his foot. I didn't manage to drag him that far. "Aren't you heavy?" I teased. "Fine, I'll get up." Inuyasha finally said. I walked over to the table with a satisfied smile on my face, while Inuyasha walked over very annoyed. "Who made this, Kohaku?" I asked with my mouth fall. He let out a small chuckle. "I did," he replied. "Wow! It's really good! I wonder what Inuyasha thinks..." I complimented. Kohaku and I focused our gaze on Inuyasha. He was scoffing down the food and refused to say anything.

"I guess that means he likes it to," I said with glee. "He's hard to please," Kohaku stated. Inuyasha looked towards Kohaku. "That kid is hard to please. She won't let me stay in the forest," he told Kohaku. He may be annoyed about what I saw... "Are you annoyed that I saw you like that?" I asked Inuyasha politely. Kohaku fell out of his seat with a shocked expression. "Like what?" He yelled. "Don't worry, Kohaku. It's nothing bad! I promise. He was just..." I paused for a moment and looked over to Inuyasha for permission to continue. He shook his head. "He was just a bit sad," I finished. Kohaku rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat. "Slightly," Inuyasha told me. "Sorry," I told him.

Miroku's notes:
(Y/n) forced him to stay over her house. I hope all went well. I sent Kohaku with breakfast to check up on them.

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