Part one: Grumpy

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(Your point of view)

"He's always been distant since she died. He's only ever come down for food," my best friend Kohaku told me. Kohaku's parents were the famous monk, Miroku, and the great demon slayer, Songo. They named him after his Granny Songo's brother, Kohaku. "But, then again, my grandpa said he was always childish like this." I looked towards the man we were talking about. He had long silver hair and was wearing a red gi. What really stood out was his wolf ears. I was told he was a half demon. He was on the verge on turning 260, yet he still looked 15. "He should stop being so grumpy. He's not the only one who misses her. I'm going to be a great priestess like lady Kagome," I told Kohaku. He let out a small laugh. "If you try hard enough," he laughed. He always laughed when I told him I wanted to become a priestess. I don't act nothing like one.

"Knock it off Kohaku!" I yelled. I gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. "Anyway, I'm going to talk to that grouch. He can't stay sad forever." I stated. "Just don't get killed!" Kohaku called as I started to walk off. "I won't, I promise!" I replied. When I approached the tree, I started to walk on my tip toes. I approached with caution; I did not want to be killed. "Who's there? I smell ya and you smell of fear," a huskie voice said. The priestess always said a word when he wanted the half breed to obey. Maybe I should try it... "Sit," I murmured. Almost instantly, the boy was forced into the ground. "How the hell did you do that!" He yelled. "Only Ka- only she could do that," he added with sorrow in his voice.

"I don't know. I'm not the messiah. Now, uh, whatever your name is, stop being grumpy and come to the village and socialise!" I demanded. He glared at me. "Why should I? I'm perfectly happy on my own!" He retorted. "Because I'm the person who decides whether or not you get a faceful of mud!" I shouted back. He let out a growl before reluctantly following me back to the village. "Now, what's your name?" I asked. "I asked you first," he muttered. "Well then, my name is (f/n) (l/n). I'm training to be a priestess. Nice to meet you," I told him cheerfully. I held out my hand for him to shake. The half breed mumbled something I couldn't here. "A little louder, will you?" He viciously shook my hand. "Inuyasha," he spat. "Oh, lighten up. You're so grumpy," I joked. I went to go force him to smile with my fingers, but he grabbed my hand instead. Inuyasha leaned in and started sniffing my clothes. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I screamed. He started fiddeling with my clothes.
"Undress," he said. I instinctively slapped him. "Is everything alright?" Kohaku asked. He must of came when he heard me scream. "For the most part," I replied. I noticed his Grandpa Miroku trailing behind him. "Finally off that tree, are you?" The retired monk asked Inuyasha. "You're still trying for an old man. You won't be wooing any girls looking like that," Inuyasha retorted. "Something's bothering you," Miroku pointed out. "Ya think? This brat dragged me off the tree, wants to be a priestess and she has her smell on her clothes." Inuyasha complained. "I think you should go along with it. It might do you some good to talk to people," Miroku told him, before walking back to the village. I started walking of somewhere with Inuyasha. "Come on, Kohaku. I know you don't trust him," I called. Kohaku nodded and sprinted towards us.

"Where are we going, kid? We passed the village a while ago," Inuyasha asked. "Adventure!" I exclaimed and kept going onward. I stopped outside a cave. "You're going to use that big awesome sword of yours to kill the big, icky spider demon!" I told him. "I don't exactly do favours for brats like you," he sneered. "Doggies do what their master tells them to, so go kill the demon!" I retorted. It was obvious that anger was building up inside of Inuyasha. "I'm not your pet!" He shouted. "Sit, Inuyasha!" I yelled. Inuyasha was forcibly brought to the floor again. "Fine, fine. I'll kill the stupid demon," he muttered.

Quite quickly, Inuyasha had killed the demon. "That was awesome!" Kohaku and I squealed. "Yeah, yeah. You done now?" The half breed asked me. "Dinner," I stated. "I'm going to make dinner and you're going to like it!" I told him. I heard another growl from him, before dragging him off back to the village.

*Time skip to when dinner is made brought to you by me ruining everything I love*

I handed out the meal I had made to Inuyasha and Kohaku. "Where are your parents, kid?" Inuyasha asked. "Out of town. And, knowing demons, the they're probably not coming back." I replied nonchalantly. "Aren't you sad about them not potentially coming back?" He pressed onwards. "Sadly, these things happen. And the maturer of people move on quickly. The unmature linger, although the dead would want us to live on happily." I reply. I stared at him. "I'm looking at you for a reason." He turned away from me and tried the food. "What do you think?" I asked him. He hesitated for a moment. "I've had better," Inuyasha murmured. That actually kind of hurt. I didn't want to cry, but tears started rolling down my face. "Hey! D-don't cry! I didn't mean it like that!" He stuttered. "I'm going to get you for that!" Kohaku yelled. I started laughing. "What is it now?" Inuyasha groaned. "This is going to be great," I laughed.

So at the end of each chapter, there will be Miroku's notes.

Miroku's notes:
They are making such a ruckus. Hopefully Inuyasha will start lightening up and coming back more often.

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