Chapter Four: Homecoming

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Short chapter, I know, but this is all I've gotten done since leaving for California. I didn't get to do almost any writing while I was there, but thankfully, I did get this one done. Hope you guys like it.



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Chapter Four



Despite Kota's every attempt to engage Nathan in conversation, he refused to say much more than obligatory 'sure' and hums that told Kota he wasn't really listening. I met Kota's eyes through the rearview mirror. He seemed to apologize without saying a word, and I smiled back to reassure him that I wasn't put off by Nathan's silence.

By the time Kota ceased his questions and attempts to lure both of us into conversation, Kota had pulled off the highway. I sunk in my seat a bit when I spotted the bus parked just down the street from our two story. I was thankful that we had been delayed enough to arrive after the bus got to Sunnyvale, but if Marie or my mother noticed I hadn't got off the bus, I'd still be in trouble.

The punishment for befriending kids- boys at that- would be much more... extensive than anything I had ever received before. I'd been forced to be a boy because of my mother's psychosis, and though I knew she wasn't in control of herself most of the time, it was still likely I would be forced into something drastic.

Hopefully, it wasn't a full sex-change.

Kota pulled into his drive just as the bus turned to drop more kids off further out of the city. I turned, hiding my face behind the headrest as I watched Marie split from Danielle, slowly making her way up towards the house.

"Were you even wearing your seatbelt?" Kota's voice shocked me, and I flinched back into sitting the right way around.

"Urm," I had to think hard about my answer. I hadn't even heard his question really, but after a moment I went with something universal. "No?"

Kota's cheeks bunched as he tried to push down his smile. He gave me a disapproving look, shaking his head as he turned around to get out. With Marie inside, I felt safe enough to get out too.

"I should probably check in before..." I trailed off, not sure if Nathan would still want me over with him in such a bad mood. But when I glanced over at him, he was looking at me with a normal, not so unnerving, look in his eyes.

He pointed to a one story ranch house a few houses down from mine. "Just come over any time. The guys will be here any minute."

"Alright," I replied quietly. I started to back down Kota's drive as the bus turned the bend to get back to the main road. "See you later?"

Kota and Nathan both raised a hand to wave goodbye, and I couldn't help the smile that tipped my lips, even if I was feeling out of place. I'd never had friends to 'see later'. It was a good feeling to have someone looking forward to my presents.

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