The ark

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Tapping my foot on the metal bars that make up my bed in this metal floating contraption in space called the ark. I have called this place home up until my father got floated for trying to steal more food for me and my mother. He got floated a year ago and ever since I have dreamed of going to the ground where I would be free of these rules and stupid regulations of life on the ship.
    I have a few friends on the ship jasper and Monty the two biggest nerds I know, but they recently got caught doing something stupid so they are in the "jail" of the ship. The "jail" of the ship is where they send criminals under the age of 18, because they are too young to be floated. I was waiting for visiting hours so I could go see Monty and jasper. As I flipped another page in my book I glanced up at the clock on the bare wall and smiled to myself. Time to go see the only 2 people in my life that make me happy.
    My mother is a guard and we don't get along to well now that my father is dead. As I gathered my things, a deck of cards and a jacket, my mother walked into our little living area. " Where are you off to" she smiled trying to make conversation like she always does. "Its visiting time" I said walking out the door slamming it slightly. As I made my way down the halls I heard a lot of yelling. I stopped in my tracks as 3 guards struggled to get a very tall and lean boy down the hall to the "jail" area. He stopped struggling for a second to give me a sly smirk and a wink before going back to struggling against the guards. As they turned the corner I collected my self and continued in that direction.
    A gaurd opened jaspers door and I quickly made my way into the small cell. The gaurd closed the door and turned his back from it. "Hey goggles" I teased hugging jasper quickly before the gaurd could see. "How is life on the outside" jasper laughed. It's amazing how he can still crack jokes even being locked up for 5 months. "Terrible now that you and Monty are gone I don't have anyone to talk to" I sighed and plopped on his makeshift bed. "There is always your mom" he hesitated before glancing at me. I looked up at him and shook my head. "Jasper you know how I feel about that" I sighed and played with my thumbs. "Come on olivia, it was a ye-" I cut jasper off by standing up quickly. "She let him get floated... I have no respect for her" I raised my voice slightly. Jasper nodded and placed a caring hand on my shoulder. He pulled me into a hug and I relaxed has his warm embrace calmed me.
    I went and visited Monty for the second hour of visitation then when time was up I left. I headed for the containment area of the ship where I knew my mother would be. As I reached the corner I stopped as I hear my mother talking to the chancler. "They are expendable cara! Sending them to the ground will not only save them but us too" I placed my back to the wall trying not to get caught but close enough to hear better. "Chancler I respect you but I don't think we should send a hundred children down to the ground. That's like sending them to there deaths" my mother argued back. I was trying to wrap my head around what they were saying. "It's final the 100 criminals in the holding areas will be sent to the ground in 3 days!" The chancler boomed over my mother's pleading. My eyes widened as I realized that the only 2 people in my life that I cared about were being sent to there deaths.
   I ran from the corner as fast as I could, only thing going through my mind was how I was gonna get on that dropship.
   I was laying in bed when my mother came home she looked upset and tired. I had 3 days to get on that ship so I only had 2 days to plan. My mother changed into her night clothes and fell asleep instantly. How am I going to get on that ship. I thought to my self and then it hit me. I'll attack a gaurd, it's a bold move for me. I'm very shy and I stay to my self so this will catch everyone by surprise. I shall do it tomorrow so I have a for sure spot on the dropship. With my plan playing in my head I fell asleep.
Well warriors that's the first chapter hope you liked it!

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