Chapter Seven-Horror

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Chapter7: Horror

Everybody's waiting everybody's watching even when you're sleeping keep your eyes open

The tricky thing is yesterday we were just children playing soldiers just pretending

Dreaming dreams with happy endings in backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords but now we've stepped into a cruel world where everybody stands and keeps score

Keep your eyes open everybody's waiting for you to breakdown everybody's watching to see the fallout even when you're sleeping, sleeping keep your eyes open so here you are, two steps ahead and staying on guard

Every lesson forms a new scar they never thought you'd make it this far but turn around, they've surrounded you

-Eyes open Taylor Swift

(Michelle’s POV)

I woke up, feeling drowsy. The first thought that came to my mind was: Where is Sophie? The haze clouding my mind had not settled yet.

Groaning, I slowly got up from the bed and the rush of blood coming to my brain momentarily made me feel like vomiting.

“Argh.” I wheezed heavily and tried to think of the past events.

“Oh! It was Sophie that drugged me!” My memories came back all of a sudden and I winced from the headache that came with it.

“God…” I looked at the clock and realized that it was morning, time for school. This means that I had been asleep for since the afternoon before.

I looked around, only to find Sophie missing. I thought, oh well, she must be avoiding me. I did not really feel concerned about it, after all she betrayed me again and drugged me, even after we had that ’deep’ talk. Apparently she thought otherwise.

With a deep sigh, I got off the bed and readied myself for school.

Today seemed different. Everyone was staring at me, giggling at me with their cliques, whispering something behind my backs. Of course they usually do that, but today were different. It was worse than usual. It seemed as though everyone in school was hiding something from me and I was the joke.

Everything looked the same, but the feeling was weird. It was as everyone was holding their breaths, waiting for something to happen. A clock ticking away, waiting for the explosion.

I felt sweat run down my back as I wrote down mathematical formulas. Instinctively, I turned around, only to see nothing unparticular. However, when I turned back slowly, I heard sniggers behind me.

Looks like someone wanted revenge from me. Badly. And I can guess who it was.

After first break, I went to my locker to get my books.

Nothing was done to my locker. There was a note inside, though. It read:

Come to the science room 4 the moment after you see this. Unless you’re scared?

The note was unsigned.

I hated people that said I was a coward. Hence, I immediately headed to the room. I opened the door. It was all dark inside and I could not see a thing. Unknown to me, someone was creeping from behind me. Before I had the chance to react, I was hit by something hard and heavy. I blacked out.

I smelled something burning as I slowly awoke. My nose wrinkled as I slowly opened my eyes. There was a girl with a back facing me, busy with something. I realized that I was tied to the chair as I realized that I could not move freely. I struggled, trying to free my hands from the thick ropes. My mouth was sealed by thick duct tape. I guessed it was to prevent me from screaming and alerting anyone else.  I was in the science room. There were benches and all sorts of apparatus for carrying out science experiments. The girl in front of me turned around to face me.

I gasped, although it could not be heard. It was Sabrina. I was not surprised.  It looked like she was really serious about hating me and getting back at me. She looked at me, her face emotionless and blank. However, there was a merciless glint in her eyes. I felt a shiver run down my back. What would she do to me?

I knew perfectly well that it was because of Jake that she did this. I scowled, wishing that he would keep his trap shut instead.

“Girls. She’s awake.” Her voice rang out. There was shuffling of footsteps and two girls stood on either side of me. I turned my head to look at them and found out that both of them were blond bimbos, exactly those types of people that were easily manipulated, never thinking about the consequences. It was most likely that they were fans of Jake.

Sabrina probably told them that I was trying to seduce him and hence they hatched this ridiculous plot of teaching me a lesson or something. It was this kind of people that you have to watch out the most. Reckless and angry… There was no telling what they would do. I groaned internally. How would I get out of this situation? I cursed myself for being so naïve and foolish to come here by myself.

As Sabrina walked towards me, I realized with a start that she was holding on to a burner in her hand. My heart dropped to my feet and I started to sweat in fear. What was she planning to do? Burn me? The girl on my right grabbed hold of my head to keep it from moving and the other pushed my shoulder firmly to the chair, preventing me from moving my body. I twisted around, trying to escape their firm grips, but my attempts were futile.

Sabrina dropped to her knees when she reached me. She stripped the duct tape away from my mouth, causing me to wince. “It’s good to see you here, Michelle…” She smiled cruelly. “All tied up and not being able to move. So weak.” She spat it at me. “Ha-ha, now there is no Ethan coming to save you… No more boys clamoring trying to save you. Ethan was just a prince that realized what a bitch you are and got the hell out of your life as fast as possible.

Her words seemed to echo in my mind. Her every true word about Ethan seemed to hammer my heart, breaking it as blood seeped out. It was true… Hurts so much, but she was right. The borders I placed around my heart dropped down as I began to felt the pain… I had to control myself as I tried my best not to let those unshed tears in my eyes to fall down. I have to not let those cruel people knowing that what they said about me was right. I had to put up my calm, brave façade.

I took in a deep breath. “What are you trying to do? Since you can’t get Jake, you sent people to knock me out and tie me up here, right? You are the one that failed to capture his heart, not me!”

“Are you sure?” She seemed unfazed by my words. “Let’s see who’s the one that Jake likes after I do what I want to do with you. You’ll be screaming, begging me for mercy after I’m done with me.” I could not help but shudder at those vicious words.

“Unless you promise that you’ll stay away from Jake and stop irritating us by your stupid words and useless taunts, I WILL NOT STOP.” She emphasized the words.

 “This is also a punishment for ratting us out for decorating your locker a bit, b****!” The girl on my left scowled.

Chloe smirked and raised the burner in her hand. She grabbed a chunk of my hair. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see. Sharp nails pried my eyelids open. I winced in pain. “Enjoy the show!” She taunted me.

I watched, horrified, as Chloe brought the burning flame to my hair.

“Lookie…” She grinned. “Someone needs a haircut!”

I glared furiously at her. “You’ll regret this!”

“Really?” I grimaced as she slowly grazed the tips of my dark hair with the burner.

“I’ve connections, remember? Your family would be ruined! Just you wait!”

A look of panic crossed her face but it was soon replaced by anger. “You little hoe, having your mouth shut will do you good! I’ll burn your mouth so badly that you can’t talk FOREVER!”

I could not help but scream as she brought the burner to my lips. I struggled, but the two girls held me down. Just when the burner was so close to my mouth that I could feel the heat, there was a loud shout.

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