Chapter Nine-Waiting in the Dark

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Chapter nine- Waiting in the Dark


Dark is lurking

you see it

now you don’t

can’t see it

cos it’s waiting, waiting in the dark

waiting, waiting for the trigger and it will…

-Waiting in the Dark

(Michelle’s POV)

It was not a good idea. I paced outside the door, thoughts running through my mind, again and again. Should I? Should I not? I gritted my teeth, fighting the urge to scream out in frustration. When I was at school, Sophie was already back home by then and was in my room, doing god-knows-what. Part of me wanted to scream, shout at her, demand her to tell me the reason for her actions.

However, before I could make up my mind, the door opened. I leapt back in shock, practically feeling my heart jumping into my throat. I swallowed as I felt Sophie’s brown eyes staring straight as me. I was caught, and it was as though I was cornered.

To my surprise, her eyes were not full of contempt and guilt but instead understanding and pity.

She stared at me for a few moments, both of us not making a sound. Then she chuckled.

“You know, I can hear your footsteps from in there. Why are you that nervous to come into your room? Get in.” She used her head to motion to the room. Feeling my face flush red and I tried to swallow my embarrassment as I followed her slowly into my room. The door closed with a click.

Before I had the nerve to open my mouth and ask the question that haunted me for so long, she spoke first.

“Before you can ask anything, I went to Ethan’s house.”

I felt my blood run cold.

She seemed to notice and said softly, “I just did not want you to suffer any more so I told him that you—”

I screamed. And screamed. A piercing cry that also scared me.

She was startled and reached out for me. “Michelle? I—I just—”

“You have no right! You! He doesn’t care for me anymore! I accepted that already! Get over it!” It seemed as though I was convincing myself.

“You have crossed the line too much! Stop interfering into my life! Haven’t you learnt your lesson from before? I—I—GET OUT OF THE ROOM!”

Ignoring her protests, I pushed her out of the room and shut the door, locking it. I breathed out heavily, blocking her shouts at me and banging against the door, yelling at me to let her in. Then, I let the tears flow.

In the end, Sophie had to sleep with her mother in the guest room. After I told my mother what had happened, she was enraged and told them to leave the very next day. I was mad, and was filled with trepidation when I went to school the next day. Will he talk to me? Hope, no matter how much I wanted to quash that, rose in me. Maybe, maybe…

Nothing happened for the day. He just ignored me, like all other days. I could not help but feel disappointed yet relief at the same time. Sabrina also stayed far away from me, glaring at me a few times in anger and shame but did not say anything. Jake, to my surprise, did not turn up for school. This means that I would not have to face him, but I still felt guilty and defensive about his question.

However, it was only after school when Ethan took action.

I felt a hand grabbing my arm and pulling me into the nearby classroom. I gasped and for a moment, I thought it was Sabrina again, that took advantage of the face that Jake did not come today.

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