Chapter Eight-Stay Away

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Chapter 8-Stay Away

Girl, look into my eyes,

tell me what you see

see the hatred and love for you

burning, burning in my eyes.

Why, why can’t you see?

How much I want to love you

But I can’t, I can’t

I’m far too damaged inside, I can’t love you

Stay away from me,

Don’t turn back and just

Walk away from me,

I never wanna see your face again

Sorry, but I can’t, I won’t love you

A soul this pure and kind

ain’t mine to take

so stay away from me

-Stay Away

(Michelle’s POV)

Sabrina stopped and turned around, her lips turning into a sneer. “Who dares—“

She stopped short and her face suddenly became deathly pale. Her minions also turned to see what frightened her that much. They gasped and swallowed. One girl took a step back and she looked left and right, as though looking for somewhere to run and hide.

Confused, I turned around only to see Jake.

Why was he doing here? To help the others torment me? But then why did the rest look so shocked and afraid?

Jake’s face was practically red with anger. It illuminated him, making him seem more dangerous and even in such a situation, I could not help but think that when he was furious, he was even hotter. Then I blushed, ashamed to be thinking such things.

Sabrina stumbled backwards and managed to stutter out, “Jake! I— why are you doing here? I was doing nothing to her, I swear that—“

She was abruptly cut short when he lunged forward and griped her wrist so tightly that she winced in pain.

“I’m the only one that is allowed to take charge of bullying her! You—“

Too enraged, he raised his hand and mercilessly slapped her. A loud sound reverberated around the entire lab and Sabrina clutched her cheek tightly, unshed tears in her eyes. The other two girls exchanged frightened looks and simultaneously made a run for it.

Jake growled in anger and ran after them, leaving Sabrina still standing there frozen, shell-shocked. 

“No one escapes me!”

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see anymore. But the sounds of agony still could be heard. Screams and whimpers. After a while, I felt a hand gently touch my shoulder. I started in shock and gave out a yelp in terror, afraid that someone was after me.

However, it was only Jake. His eyes were no longer filled with anger but instead to my surprise, tenderness, empathy and sorrow. Although just moments ago I saw him beating up a few girls, I was not frightened. His arms surrounded me and held me tightly as I sobbed, clutching his vest while soaking it with my tears.

For the only time in my life, I felt safe. In the person that haunted my dreams for so long arms.

He took great care of me and offered me his warm jacket, as it was autumn. However, he stayed a far distance away from me, as though I was contagious, a far cry to how close he was to me when he hugged me. My face turned red again from the mere thought of it and I snuggled closer to his warm leather jacket, breathing into his scent.

Jake was quiet, seeming to brood as he looked straight ahead while walking me back home. It was already evening and the sun slowly begun to sink down the horizon, turning everything into a crimson red-orange. He had just murmured a single sorry and pushed me away gently after hugging me.

He did not say anything from that onwards. I noticed it and remained quiet too. Out of a sudden, he spoke.

“Look, isn’t that pretty?” I turned my head to see what he was pointing at. It was a bird feeding her children, baby birds that were squawking away noisily, as though   asking for more food.

“Yeah,” I said, smiling at the sight of them. “a mother showing her love and care for her children.” I sighed, bowing my head as I thought of my mother, how dreadful she treated me when it was supposed to be the opposite.

“tell me the truth, Michelle.” He turned to me and held up my chin to look into my eyes. I gasped from the comforting warmth of his fingers that spread tingles all over my body. “Does your mother abuse you?”

I froze and stared at him in obvious horror. “What—What are you talking about?!” It was as though time had stood still. I could only see his face, blank and emotionless, but his eyes gave his emotions away. He actually cared for me.

“It’s alright, Michelle. You can tell me. I swear I won’t tell anyone. It’s just that—“ He groaned, kneading his forehead, “I just want to know the truth.”

I stared at him, still shocked and I had to admit, terrified. “Why?”

He stared at me, eyes growing softer. “It doesn’t matter. I might tell you why, sometime, someday.” He gave out a dry humourless chuckle. “If you tell me, I promise, no swear that I would not bully you ever again and protect you from girls like Sabrina. From what I had witnessed just now, you do need my help.”

I swallowed, knowing that he was right. But what was he up to? Did he want to blackmail me or something?

Apparently he saw the look in my eyes and hastily explained, “No, don’t worry, I won’t do anything. I just want to—“

He paused and shook his head. “No, that just came out wrongly.” He stared at me again, the intensity of his eyes scaring scarring me deep inside more than anything else. “Just, tell me the truth, I beg you.”

I made up my decision and said softly, “Sorry, I have to go now. I can’t tell you, for obvious reasons. Just stay away from me and we will act like nothing happened, alright? I’m—I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

He turned away from me and let go of my chin. The coldness returned to his eyes so quickly.

“Never mind. I have to go now; I trust that you can go home yourself without having someone raping you right? Good bye.” Without waiting for my answer, he turned the opposite way of where we came from and walked quickly away from me. Soon, the darkness enveloped him and I could not see his silhouette any longer.

With a sigh, I continued on my way back home. Why did I feel as though a stone was weighing down in my heart, becoming heavier with every step I take?

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