Coffee Order || Luke Hemmings

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So I've just realised how terrible the first few chapters of this story are! I apologise and if you're reading this than please keep going because it gets better I swear! x Love you all xx


"I'm sorry but as I said that isn't on our menu, we don't serve yoghurt and muesli," I tried to explain to the ignorant customer I was serving.

"What do you mean? I've ordered that here before," she argued back.

"We have never sold that here, you must have us confused with another cafe."

The middle-aged women simply rolled her eyes and left the cafe, muttering something under her breath.

I slammed the till shut and leant down to rest my elbows on the counter. I dropped my head into my hands and mumbled to myself,

"Stupid customer, it's not my fault we don't sell that here. Why don't I just call up our supplier and demand we get it in, how abo-"

I was cut off by a voice saying,

"ah... Excuse me?"

I shot up quickly, my face flushing red from embarrassment.

I began rambling an apology, not daring to look at the customer. I thought that they would be appalled by my attitude but instead I heard soft laughter coming from in front of me.

I looked up and was greeted by the sight of a boy who looked to be about my age. He was extremely tall with blonde hair that sat styled on top of his head. He continued to laugh at me, his eyes crinkling slightly as he did. I had to admit it was rather cute.

"Sorry about that," I laughed before continuing,

"what can I get for you?"

The boy smiled and sucked his lip ring into his mouth as he looked up at the menu board.

The gesture was extremely attractive and I had to tear my gaze away before he caught me staring.

"I'll have a large mocha with a dash of caramel, two sugars and whipped cream on top please," he replied, shooting me a smile.

"that's a complicated coffee order."

"yeah I used to think that, but you get used to it," he replied smiling slightly, "oh and about before, I thought your comments were quite entertaining."

I laughed softly at him before putting his order into the computer.

"is that to have here or take away?"

"take away please."

"and a name for the order?"

"Luke ," he smiled.

"well Luke, that'll be 5.50."

With that he handed me the money and went to find a table to wait for his order.

I began preparing his drink and when it was ready I placed it on the counter and called out,

"order for Luke."

He appeared instantly,

"thank you very much...

Alison," Luke said glimpsing at my name badge.

"You're very welcome... Luke," I replied smiling at him.

"See ya later," he called out as he took his drink and exited the cafe.

After he left business was slow and so I pulled up a stool and sat at the till. I let my mind wander and was surprised when my sub-conscience led me to think

about the cute blonde boy with the weird coffee order.

I strangely hoped that he would come back in soon.


When my shift ended I couldn't have left Lucy's Cafe any quicker. I raced outside and jumped in my car, excited to get home and crash on my bed.

I pulled up outside of my house and raced inside. I headed into the kitchen to find my mother, busy cooking dinner.

"Hey mum," I greeted her placing a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Hey Al," she replied, dusting her hands on her apron before pulling me in for a hug, "how was work?"

"eh same old, same old. I'm absolutely recked though. I'm going to go crash on my bed, come get me for dinner?"

My mother nodded and pulled me in for another quick hug before I walked up the stairs to my bedroom.

I didn't bother getting changed, I simply threw myself on my bed and closed my eyes. It was only seconds after my head hit the pillow that I fell into a peaceful slumber.



Hey guys x if you've read this then thank you so much <3

I know this isn't very good or very long but bare with me and I promise it'll get better x

I'll try and update at least once a week.

Please don't be silent readers, comment, vote, fan me <3

Thank you x


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