Chapter Six

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A/N Hey guys! if you're still reading this than thank you so much it means a lot x PLEASE DON'T BE SILENT READERS; FOLLOW/COMMENT/VOTE ❤ Thanks love ya x Btw this is in Luke's POV just for something different ❤ x

Luke's POV:

All I could think while the movie continued was 'God I hope my hand isn't sweaty'. That singular thought replayed over and over in my head as Alison kept an iron grip locked on my hand. I had felt a little uneasy when she first grabbed it, I couldn't help but over think it, it was just in my nature to analyse everything to the point where it became irrational. But over the course of the movie it had become more natural, comforting even, to feel the warmth of her skin against mine. She was terrified and even though I knew it was just a movie, I still wanted to protect her somehow and the only way I could think to do this was by holding her hand for as long as she needed.

It felt nice to hold her hand, to feel her body pressed up against mine, to have some form of human contact. It had been a long time since I let anybody in and I had been lonely for months, but I had still managed to push everyone away and to keep hidden within the walls that I had built so carefully. It wasn't always like that. I used to have a best friend, a girlfriend, a happy family; a complete life. But everything changed after it happened. That's when I vowed to keep everyone at a distance, so that I could deal with my own problems without the constant fear of being hurt again. That is until I walked into that cafe and saw the beautiful girl with the long brown hair and the eyes that had a light in them that should never be put out. I had only known Alison for a few weeks and already she had gotten under my skin and become the one person who would be able to see between the cracks that had begun to form under the surface of my perfectly content exterior.

After a little while I had managed to find myself completely zoned out of the movie and lost in my thoughts but I was snapped back to reality when Alison let out a slight scream and buried her head in my shoulder. Ashton and Calum laughed at her but I once again wanted to protect her so I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, in a lame attempt to relax her. Within minutes the movie had ended and Ashton and Calum glanced over at us to find Alison's face still hidden away between the back of the couch and my arm.

"The movie's over Al, you can come out now you know," Ashton laughed, trying to coax out a terrified Alison.

"I'm good here actually," she mumbled into my shoulder.

"Al come on!"

"Fine!" She laughed as she picked her head up from my shoulder and turned to face Ashton.

"Are you happy now?" She asked him whilst poking out her tongue.

"Extremely," Ashton smirked in reply.

Alison suddenly stood up from the couch and turned to face me.

"Luke could you drop me home? I'm exhausted," she asked as she let out a small but adorable yawn.

"Yeah of course." I smiled in reply as I stood up beside her.

"Goodbye losers, tonight was fun," Alison said to Ashton and Calum.

"Night Al," they said in unison, causing them to lose it laughing.

"Thanks for having me guys, it was fun," I thanked the boys.

"We should hang out more often, you're pretty cool Luke," Ashton said with a genuine smile on his face and I couldn't help but reflect it back.

Alison did something that surprised us both as she reached out and grabbed my hand again, tugging me towards the doorway. I didn't fight her and simply intwined our fingers before following her towards the door. Alison called out a final goodbye as she opened the door and we headed over to my car. She gave my hand a small squeeze before she dropped it and hopped into the passenger side. I smiled to myself a little before joining her in the car and starting the ignition.

"see that wasn't so bad was it?" she said to me as we pulled out of the driveway.

"I suppose it wasn't terrible," I smiled in reply, "the guys were really great."

"I think they liked you," she beamed happily.

I once again found myself smiling and I shook my head a little to try and get myself together.

"Wait where do you even live?"

"23 Mapleson Road," she replied, "do you know where that is?"

I turned my head slightly to look at her, to try and see if she was joking around but she simply stared back at me with a neutral expression waiting for my reply.

"Yeah I know where that is," I laughed, "um I kind of live on that street too."

"That's crazy! We live on the same street and we never even saw each other before you came into the cafe!"

"That is a little weird," I chuckled before turning my attention back to the road.


Alison's POV (I can't write as a boy, I am sorry x)

When we finally turned onto my, or well I guess, our street, I was still a little dumbfounded that we had lived on the same street for who knows how long and still never seen each other until he came into the cafe. I was also a little bummed that tonight was over, it had been the most fun I'd had in ages and I was still over the moon at how nice the boys were to Luke. I was also still having a little trouble processing why I had decided to hold his hand... Twice. I suppose it just felt so nice the first time that I had decided I should do it again.

After not too long at all Luke pulled into my drive way and stopped the car. Before I could say anything he jumped out of the car and came around to open the door for me.

"Why thank you," I laughed as he gave me his hand and helped me out of the car. He simply nodded in reply and we began to walk up the path to my front door. When we reached the door, I leant against it and looked over at Luke to find him already staring at me with a small smile on his face.

"Thank you for today Luke, it was a lot of fun."

He rubbed the back of his neck and sucked his lip ring into his mouth as he replied, "It was fun huh? We should definitely do it again sometime?" He meant the last part as a statement but it had ended up coming out like a question.

"We definitely should," I agreed happily.

We fell into a semi awkward silence, neither one of us knowing what to say next. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my key, gesturing to it, I said, "well I should probably get inside, my mum will be wondering where I've been."

"Oh yeah, of course. I'll text you later or something," he mumbled quietly.

I took a step towards him and pulled him in for a quick hug before whispering, "goodnight Luke," and unlocking the door and racing inside. I leant against the inside of the door for a minute simply replaying the events of today and I found myself grinning like a lunatic. I couldn't help but think that I might be getting feelings for him already, and that both excited and terrified me.


This is an absolutely horrible chapter and it took my 2 months to write. I am so so sorry guys, I honestly am. I've just been so busy lately, but I will update more regularly from now on and I will get the story going. Sorry guys! x I love you all so much, please stick with me x

THANKS FOR 1000 reads btw x

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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