Chapter 25

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"How come everybody knows and I don't?" Jason demanded.

"You weren't at the dance," I said, apologetically.

"And you didn't think of telling me?" He asked, frowning.

"I thought David would," I answered.

"Well, he didn't," Jason said.

"I'm sorry," I said as I stopped in front of my locker to take my books for the next class. "How can I make it up to you?"

Jason looked thoughtful. "Well, details won't satisfy me."

I raised my eyebrows. "Details are the thing Dave should tell you. Not me."

"I know." Jason cracked a smile. "How about you treat me with some ice cream to make up for being such a bad friend."

"I'm a bad friend?" I questioned him, raising my eyebrows.

"No. But that's my excuse for getting ice cream," he explained.

I shrugged. "Fair enough. After school?"

"I'm meeting Vanessa," he said. "Maybe later on in the evening."

"You're on." I smiled. "Now we should get to class."

He nodded. "Come on."

I had lied to him. Sort of.

I knew that I should have told Jason. But I couldn't make myself do it. And how could I?

I knew that David had said that we would just see whether things would work between us for a while, but in the past three days, we had been like any other official couple. And at the same time, I kept putting off telling Jason because I still liked him.

Honestly, I felt like Bella did in Twilight. Except for her, she knew all the time that Edward was the guy for her. I still needed to figure out who who my choice was.

David and I had gone out for dinner on Saturday night and my mother had been delighted to know that we were dating. I still had my doubts and David knew that. There was nothing different between the two of us, except that we held hands all the time and made out a couple times as well.

Being with him didn't feel wrong. There was simply a nagging at the back of my mind all the time I was with him. Since David could usually figure out when something was bothering me, he would successfully distract me. But the distraction couldn't last long of course.

I was trying everything I could to ignore the nagging and also to stop thinking about Jason whenever I caught myself doing so unintentionally.

It wasn't easy but I was working on it.

I had English during second period with Jason, which was where we were headed. Just before the two of us entered class, though, we were stopped by Bailey, looking gorgeous in her sky blue dress and her long blond hair pulled back with a hairband.

"Hey, Kirsten." Bailey smiled at me, albeit an obviously forced one. "The rumor mill's abuzz this morning. Is it true?"

"Is what true?" I asked, even though I had a pretty strong guess about what she was on about.

"That you and David Jackson are a thing?"

"Uh, yeah." I nodded. "It's true."

Bailey beamed in response. "That's great, hun. You guys make an adorable couple. And I'm so glad you've finally found someone after all that stuff with Adam. David's a lucky guy." She didn't give me time to respond. "I'm should be off to class now. Just wanted to confirm the news with you. Buh-bye."

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