{3} Sophie

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Once she left, everyone started talking to each other about their experiences, forgetting that theyeven had a class to go back to. I was about to go over and start talking about the things I saw in my mind as well, but Morgan caught me by my arm. "Sophie, stay here for a second."

I felt a little nervous around him, even thought it wasn't just the two of us. But I couldn't help but think about how he was Hades and how he had been so persistent in chasing after Persephone. Why was he so desperate to chase across centuries? Was it love or just the desire to possess something beautiful?

Then I thought back to the Morgan I knew. He wouldn't do that. He's Morgan, and this is Morgan we're talking about, not Hades. His spirit or whatever may have reawakened inside Morgan, but I still trust him.

"Yea?" I said, still a little nervous.

"I need to tell you something."

"Okay, I'm here, so tell me."

"Not here," he looked around warily. "I don't trust any of them, since it’s their first time being reawakened. They will be clumsy with their control and other mental functions at first. They still haven't separated themselves from their mortal souls yet."

"You talk like you know about all of this."

"Yes, Hades reawakened himself from sleep a month ago, so I've had some more time to adjust." he replied impatiently.

"So, how does this gods and goddesses thing work?" I asked, a little excited.

"We don't have time for this Sophie. I'll tell you later. We'll have plenty of time to talk about the complicated processes later." He was about to pull me away, toward the other, more secluded side of the hallway. "Let's go talk outside."

"We can't, Morgan. We're still in school and on campus while classes are going on. We might get in trouble."

"We're the reincarnations of thousands year old gods and goddesses that were supposed to be myths, and this is what you worry about?"

I considered his sentence for a second. "I guess so. But we don't need to go outside, do we?"

He sighed, looked at me, then just made me walk a little ways away from the main group. "Okay, this may sound weird, but tonight -"

The bell rang. And kept on ringing. It was like something or someone didn't want him to say what he meant to say. I giggled a little inwardly as I thought about Pom or Iris causing havoc up in the office, just changing the bell system. But why would they do that? I looked curiously back at Morgan.

He looked exasperated and looked at the speakers where the sound was coming from. By the movement of his mouth, it was obvious he was shouting something at someone, most likely cursing them (maybe literally) for ringing the bells so long.

When the bells didn't stop ringing, he just shook his head and tried to lean closer and whisper into my ear.

I only caught a warm breath and the words, "...you later," before he walked away, back into the classroom.

I was confused, and wanted to know what Morgan had wanted to tell me, but at the same time, I was really exhilarated to find out that I was a goddess. And I wasn’t alone in this either – it wasn’t like in those clichéd stories where a girl finds herself alone in a strange situation. I was in a strange situation with classmates and friends – it made me giddy.

It was like the first time you went somewhere with your school on a field trip – no parents, just chaperones that usually didn’t care, as long as you didn’t punch, kick, push, or hurt someone. Just you and your friends, running around.

Persephone Incarnate [Wattpad Prize 2014] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now