{28} Sophie

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I felt Alexander’s arm slide over her shoulder before he whispered into my ear. Shivers racked my body as his warm breath crested down the side of my face. “I’ve got something to tell you later.”

“What is it?”

“Not now, later.” He drew away, and I leaned into him. My eyelids were getting heavy again – it was just so comfortable and warm next to him. And even though I’d slept inside the trial, I wasn’t quite sure if that counted. But judging by the way I felt so devoid of any energy whatsoever and had a strong urge to yawn, I was guessing it didn’t count.

I had to pinch myself to keep my eyelids from closing completely, and my head jerked awkwardly a few times as my brain protested at the pain being generated in the delicate skin inside my elbow. It kept me awake though, as Anna talked excitedly and rapidly about a theory she’d had about why the whole war thing between the gods had started anyway. I picked up some phrases between my drifting in and out of wakefulness.

“…Hitler during World War II…” Pinch.

“It’s going to be a little far-fetched, I know…” Pinch.

“No, I’m not kidding…” Pinch.

Guys, guys, listen! I just think…it’s been chaos because of those two.” Pinch.

“You’ve got to admit, it’s romantic though,” I heard Ava reply at one point.

“…the whole world…so, not really.” Pinch.

“Yea, but still…” Pinch.

I heard Abby’s clear, sharp voice cut in between the excited murmurings of the two of them. “Are you saying that Hades has been reincarnating in the bodies of these famous people, just for Persephone?”

That caught my attention, and I stopped pinching myself for a few minutes as I really listened to what they were saying.

“I know it is far-fetched,” Anna admitted.

“But it makes sense. If Hades has been doing that, he’s been causing quite a bit of trouble in these past few…well…centuries. Or millennia. But anyway, you can see why the gods would want to put a stop to that. After all, he caused both World War I and World War II just to find Persephone.”

“But that’s really out there. It may be Hades, but I don’t think he’s that cruel.”

She’s right. Hades isn’t cruel. He’s cold, he’s quiet, he’s anti-social, he’s moody – but he’s not that cruel. He wouldn’t slaughter millions of people. After all, he already sees all those who have passed away. He wouldn’t do it unnecessarily.

“Okay, well, perhaps I went too large of a scale.”

“But it was a good idea,” Ava said reassuringly.

They fell back to murmuring.

But I think I know why they’re going to war, Persephone suddenly said. I stiffened and shouted aloud. It wasn’t until I saw every eye in the room on me that I realized what I’d done.

“Persephone just said she knew why they were going to war,” I explained, a little uncomfortable. I hadn’t meant to speak so loud.

Everybody crowded around me, and looked at me, a little impatiently.

Can I borrow your mouth for a second?


It’ll be easier if I explain to them.

Persephone Incarnate [Wattpad Prize 2014] | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now