{7} Ava

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Hey guys, before I begin, I just want to warn you - I don't know if I can live up to the cliffhanger I ended the last chapter with. The reality isn't that dramatic, to be that honest.

Anyway, I'd like to hear what you guys thought of the chapter, so leave any comments you have below! And if you like this chapter, remember to vote and share (if you do, we're best friends, okay? c:).


She studied Alexander’s face – it was the first time she’d seen it outside of pictures that Sophie had shown her. His blonde hair had been tousled by the wind, and his black jacket stood out in stark contrast from his pale skin and slightly red cheeks. The only sign of fear he’d shown so far was the tight grasp on his backpack straps, but otherwise, he had an unsure, but still kind face.

“Who are you guys?” he spoke up first.

Anna and Abby looked at her expectantly, and she panicked for a moment. She thought they would be doing the explaining.

“Go,” Anna urged. “You were kind of the one who came up with the idea.”

Athena, who rarely spoke up except when needed, gave her firm encouragement in her mind. Be brave, child. You can, and you must do this for your friend.

She swallowed for a second, inhaled deeply, and then started slowly. “Hi. So, we’re not just random stalkers or anything, and we’re here for a reason.” She paused for moment and wondered if she should start her next sentence with ‘you don’t know us, but we know all about you’, but decided against it. As if it wasn’t surprising enough that the three of them had appeared from seemingly out of nowhere, if she said that, he would be sure to pick up his key, unlock his door, walk inside as fast as possible, and bolt it locked even faster.

So she tried to start again. “Okay, my name is Ava, and,” she gestured to Anna, “this is Anna, and the girl next to her,” she gestured again, “is Abby. We’re friends of Sophie Claire, and we heard that she was supposed to come over today to hang out. But, well, she kind of can’t.” Alexander looked like he was about to interrupt and start asking questions, so she said rapidly, “It’s a really long story and it’s kind of cold outside, so we might need to go in and we don’t have that much time, so please just listen to us for now.” She took a deep breath when she finished, and hoped that he would be accepting, or, had even understood what she’d said in the first place.

It was a strange request from someone you’d just met for the first time, and if it were her in his shoes, she wouldn’t exactly be as welcoming to let three strangers in, no matter what. Unless they were three famous, and hopefully unarmed, strangers, then she might.

She watched his face as he looked over the three of them, and the few minutes he took to think seemed to stretch on forever. She was about to give up and try a different tack when he suddenly shouldered his backpack and stooped to pick up his key.

“Come on in,” he said with a small, kind smile as he unlocked his door. Warm, golden light spilled from inside and all four of them stepped inside, and Ava released a small sigh as she felt warm air pass over her. It was such a contrast from the cold outside, and she immediately took off her jacket and strapped it around her waist.

Anna took off her backpack and placed it close to the entrance with her and Abby’s jacket on top. “Thanks for letting us come in,” she said, once she was done.

“Don’t thank me yet. I still haven’t heard your explanation. For all I know, you could’ve run away from home.” He looked serious for a second, then smiled to show that he had been teasing them.

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