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I get wide eyes and accidently drop my stuff. I hurry and pick it up and Chances says, "Well that was the second time today." I blush from embarrassment and Ian says to me, "You know him?" I get wide eyes again and say "Uhhh, Well, See, Uhhh."

"Do you, Desirae?" Ian asked a little more curious. I nodded my head and then he smiled. "How do y-" "NEXT!" I heard the cashier say and I quickly turned around. Ian put the rest of my stuff on the counter. I said a low 'thanks' as I was going through my wallet. I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye and he smiled. I was confused but I shrugged it off. "Here you go and this is also for pump 4." I said to the cashier and he nodded looking at me up and down in a creepy way. "WHAT!?" I yelled at him and Ian and Chances burst out laughing. "I'm sorry you reminded me of someone." the cashier said and hurried with the money. I was annoyed and Ian was laughing still so I kicked him in his bum. "Ow!" he whined and rubbed his bottom. I laughed, rolled my eyes, grabbed my stuff and walked out the door.

I put the stuff in the back seats and started pumping the gas. "You didn't answer my question?" Ian said from behind me. I sighed with irritation because like WHY IS HE STILL HERE?! "What Ian? I know him from school. Anything else i can help you with?" I say and he nods his head. The gas was done so i pulled out the pump, but still had my hand on the grip. I pulled it out and got gas all over my shirt. I sighed and groaned internally. What could get any worse? I look up and see Ian taking off his shirt. "WOAH!" I scream and shield my eyes. "Oh calm down Desirae it's not like you having seen me shirtless before and plus i have a undershirt on." Ian says and i slowly un-cover my eyes. He tosses me his shirt and i mumble a 'thanks'. I stand there for a few seconds and start to get annoyed. "Are you guys going to turn around?" I say and they quickly turn around. I hurridly swap shirts and say 'done'. They turn around and Ian smiles. I flash a 1 second smile and shut the gas tank. I start to walk around the car because i want to get started on my homework. "Wait," Ian shouts and walks towards me. "Where are ya going?" "Whyy?" I ask curiously, dragging the 'y' out on purpose. "Because I wanna hang!" Ian said and i was taken aback by his mega burst of excitement. "Whyy?" I ask curiously, dragging the 'y' out on purpose again and squinting my eyes to read his body language. "I'm not faking you know. I really wanna hang out with you! Catch up maybe?" He says and I nod unsurely and slowly, still squinting my eyes at him. "Wh-" "Desirae! Enough with the whyy's ok? Anyway, I know you're going to Alexis's house." "How d-" "Because you always go to her house when you can and since you guys live closer to each other, i know that's where you're going." He says and I sigh for the millionth time. "Fine, you can come but sit in the back." I say and he does a little dance then stops abruptly. "Why do I have to sit in the back?" Ian asks and i shake my head. "It's not for you to know and because its my car and i say so." I say a little harshly. I really didnt want to sit next to him because it's too much for me to handle. He sighs but opens the door anyway. I walk around and get in the driver's side of the car. "Hand me the stuff." I say generally and Ian tosses the bag into the passengar's seat. I turn around and glare at him. He looks at me then looks out the window. I sigh loudly and angrily and slam my foot on the pedal. I speed out of the gas station and make my way to Alexis's house.

I park in front of Alexis's house and unlock the doors. I sit still for a minute and i hear a sigh. "Just like old times isn't it?" I hear Ian say. I grab the bag and my bookbag and quickly get out of the car. I hear the car door close and I hit the lock button on my key chain to lock my car. I fumble with my keys to find my key to Alexis's house. I open the door and hold it open for Ian and Chances. Ian looks at me and i drop my head and find a sudden interest in my shoes. I hear Ian sigh again and I close the door. I look up and see everyone staring at me, Ian and Chances. I walk around Ian and Chances to walk outside the back door. I stop for a second to gather my-self and force a fake smile. I turn around slowly and now everyone is staring at me. "Everyone this is Ian. You already knew that, but yeah." I say and Ian waves. "And Chances was with him and they wanted to come with me." They all nod and I walk over to the coffee table and push Ross's feet off of it. I drop the snack bag on the table and grab my Hot Cheetos. They all quickly grab their snacks and I sigh loudly and start walking out of the living room. "Desirae? Come here." I hear Alexis say. I pull on a fake smile again and walk over to Alexis. I know she's going to ask me why Ian is really here and honestly, i cant even answer the question myself. I sit next to her and she stares at me. "I don't know." I say and she nods when I answer her silent question. I turn to face Ian and Chances who are still standing and looking around awkwardly. "Why are you really here?" I ask Ian and he smiles. "I came to visit an old friend." He says and points at Chances. "Ok, now why are you here?" Alexis says swinging her arms, referring to her house. "I wanted to talk to Desirae about something." Ian says and Alexis nods. I stand up and walk towards the back door for the 3rd time. I hear footsteps and see that Ian and Chances are following me. I sigh and slide the patio door open. I close it after Ian walks out and I walk over to the table. I pull out a chair and sit my bookbag in it and Ian and Chances sit down. I grab my notebook and pencil and then take my shoes off. "What are you doing?" Chances asks curiously. "You'll see" I said and he nods. I roll up my pants to my knees and start walking towards the woods in Alexis's backyard. I turn slightly and see Ian and Chances are following curiously again. I smile a little and look ahead.

I walk further into the woods and smell the smell I love. The pond. I always go to the pond to work on my homework and to tell feelings to the trees. Call me crazy, but it helps. I start speed walking when the smell gets a little stronger. I see the pond and i smile brightly. I sit on the edge and put my feet in. "So, what is it you want to talk about?" I turn slightly to ask Ian who is leaning against my favorite tree. "Like i said, i just want to catch up. How have you been?" Ian says and sits next to me, his back facing the water. "Good, and you?" I say and he smiles. "Could be better." I smile lightly and open up my notebook. "How's your family?" He ask and I shrug and mumble a 'good' as I start to think of a title for my assignment. "How's yours?" I say and look at him. He smiles lightly and shrugs. "Alright, i guess. My mom misses you." I laugh lightly, "Yeah, I miss her too." We sit in silence; it wasnt awkard, uncomfortable or comfortable. Just silence. I look at my notebook and start to draw a flower. I see Ian scoot closer to me out of the corner of my eye. "I'm going to be staying in North Carolina." I hear Ian say and my eyes get wide. My mind immediatly snaps to our previous memories and then into a blank area. Like I just turned a page in my notebook. I look at him slowly and see he's staring at the trees. I look down at my paper and see I accidently drew a line through the flower. "I was wondering if you would like to continue?" Ian says and I look at him like he just killed someone. "C-Continue?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOLY SHMOKES!! I just really want to thank you guys for reading this! LIKE I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! Anyway, do you think Desirae is going to continue her relationship with Ian? I love you guys so much. <3 :3 Bay-Bye!


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