6: i

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A/N: Oh boy here we go, time for me to suffer trying to make Error's dialouge seem glitchy, enjoying so far?

Dogname (D/N):
FavoriteAU (F/AU):

Yawning, you pry your eyes open. It seems to be just a normal day and the sun was frocing you to get up, damn you sun

You throw your blankets off you and proceded to your bathroom, brushing your teeth and washing your face. You tie your hair into a messy bun, and walked downstairs

There was a lot of sanses, sitting down on the couch while just watching a show. And in the Kitchen was Ink and Caroline cooking

"OKAY OKAY OKAY, just pour in a little amount. BUT NOT TOO LITTLE"

Caroline spoke, Ink nods and splats the pancake mixture into the pan. Making it messy and go all over the place



He yelled back, you chuckle at them and walked towards the dining table where there we're already a few pancakes

"Morning human!"

"Morning Blue"

You respond, sitting down on a table. Error then point at you with his fork and spoke

"h e y (Y/N), caN Y o u aCcom p a nY me sOMe w h ere?"

"Hm? Sure, where to?"

You ask, he replied

"i'lL te l L yo U laTE r , JUSt b e prEpaREd"

You nod, after breakfast. You went to your room, and changed into a sweater with jeans. You put on your shoes and walked out of your room

You see Error was already there fiddling with his phone

"I'm ready, where to?"

You ask, he closes his phone and turns to you

"A n Y ideA o n wHe rE yO U peO p l E SEl l paiN t ¿"

He asks, you nod and reply

"Theres probably some at a mall, some hardware store perhaps?"

"le t s gO thE n"

He spoke, then he teleports both of you to a mall. Monsters and humans we're flooding the place, you turn to him and he spoke

"s O ' ha v E y ou bEE n he R E¿"

"I think, follow me"

You respond, after a few minutes of being lost. You finally make it to a hardware store

"I hope theres paint in here"

"i tH i n K i SE e iT"

Error says, and walks over to where there was paint. He takes a bucket of white paint and spoke

"i n K caN w o Rk wIt H thIs, le tS gO"

You both walk over to the counter and pay for the paint, after that. Error teleports it away and spoke

"W a Nn a eAt?"

"Sure, a burger would be nice"

You said, after getting your burgers from a guy who seems to hate his job. You both sat down on a bench near the fountain in the middle

"(Y/N), o uT o f cURI o us itY. w hA ts yoU r faVorITE a U¿"

Error suddenly asked, you thought for a moment and replied

"I really like (F/AU)"

"I , LL ke eP Th A t iN mi nD"

Error spoke, then you both ate your burgers

"Well, want to head home?"

You asked, Error shrugs and you both teleport to the front of the house

"S eE yoU aROU n D kI d"

Error says, then teleports away. You enter the house to see Ink examining the paint from earlier and Caroline playing with it with a small paintbrush

"This is not what I expected him to bring, but I didnt tell him what to specifically buy. Still, he should have known"

Ink spoke, Caroline point the paintbrush at ink causing a few droplets to hit him. She spoke

"I'm just getting more convinced that its your fault my dude"

"Damn you"

Ink replied, you walked to your room and grabbed your phone charger. Cause you just realized your phone was zero percent whilst you we're at the mall with Error, you plug in the charger and your phone makes a battery picture

You turn around to see (D/N) and Temmie getting along, temmie trying to teach (D/N) how to talk when the dog justs wags its tail and sticks it tongue out

You wonder how long it would take until temmie would give up, maybe because temmie can be very determined sometimes

You opened your phone, not letting out of charging and see a message from an unknown number

Love is an acronym for Level Of ViolencE, I bet you know what that means. Don't you (Y/N)?

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