10: S

702 20 7

Lol, I can't keep you guys hanging can I? Yeh, no info cuz its not needed also WHOO So many people reading dis story so proud :,D. Also cliffhanger XD


"(Y/N) right...?"

Someone asked, you were in a pitch black room. The only light was a glowing button with the word RESET on it

"How do you know who I am?"

You asked, the person laughed. Then they appeared in front of you. Their eyes were red, with a green shirt with a yellow stripe in the middle, they had short brown hair and they had a knife in hand

"Press it, then you'll become my new partner"

They said, then you replied stammering

"I-I don't e-even know y-you"

"Thats not important, at least not yet"

They said, you couldn't tell if they were a male or a female. You looked at the button

"But... why would I want to reset? My life has been better these past months"

"You must have misunderstood"

They said, you got confused


"S i n c e w h e n y o u w e r e t h e o n e i n c o n t r o l?"

They pulled out their knife, and when they were about to slash at you. You pushed the button with closed eyes

You woke up in another dark room, the only light was a candle. You asked yourself, where we're the sanses? Why are you in this dark room instead of the resort? And how on earth, did you get here?

You looked around, but you only see the candle. It was waxed onto the floor and you can't pick it up, but instead came a trail of opening candles. Opening one by one

You started walking, still in the same room but leaving behind the spot you started. Thats when you saw yourself in a snowy forest, you got trapped inside a cage! But where did it come from?

You found something weird inside the cage, you pushed the snow away that was blocking. And instead of dirt, there was metal. Almost like a metal platform!

Then you tried to check if the rest of the forest ground was fake, when you touched the snow outside the cage. It all crumbled down as if there was a hole under it, the platform you were standing on was still

You thought to yourself that you were still dreaming, but to be sure. You pinched yourself, ow. Definetly not a dream

You blinked and suddenly you were at a plain white spot, kind of like the void in the sans household. You looked up and there it was! The sans household

Suddenly, stairs appeared up to the household. You walked up them, and instead of you in your summer clothes. You were in the clothes you wore when you fell down a hole to here

Then someone grabs your arm


Caroline said, then you were almost falling down the void if Caroline wasn't holding onto you

"Caroline, whats going on?"

"What do you mean (Y/N)? We just left our house and now you don't remember anything?"

"yo yo, fell ya hear that?"

Fresh asked Fell, he replied a familiar line but something was different

"shut up ass, were here to look for swap. this place is already a shit hole than it already being a white colorless void"

Both of you were just peeking through the bush, Carolinewhispered

"We have to get out of here! Lets jump off"

"Are you crazy?! Follow me"

You said, grabbed her arm and dragged her to where you first met Altertale sans. You bump into him eating a banana


Caroline yelled, then Fresh and Fell enter the scene

"what the fuck?"

Fell said, you waved at him and they were just looking at you weirdly. Alter sans then said



Blue butted in screaming, then Caroline yells to no one in particular

"Okay, where are we?!"

"Your at the Sans household, which explains why we all look similar"

Alter said, then you asked

"Whats going on Alter?"

"What? How do you know me?"

He asked, You turned blue and start levitating. It was Sans, he said

"hey kiddos, whats going on?"


Blue yelled, Caroline was confused as hell with Alter. You spoke

"Uhm... can we talk civily?"

"yep, the kid's right. i'll show the kiddo around you guys talk to the other human"

Sans said, then walked away with you still levitating on air. He lets you go once you guys were at the back of the house

"(Y/N) what did you do?"

He asked, you shrugged and said

"Well, I was just sleeping in the van on our way back to the resort. And I was dreaming about a person scaring me that they would kill me if I didn't press a button, so I did then I woke up in a black room, followed some candles, got trapped in a cage in a--"

"what did the button say (Y/N)?"

Sans asked, you replied

"It said RESET"


He swore, then you asked

"Whats going on sans?"

"(Y/N)... that dream of pressing a button isn't a dream..."

He said, he sighed in relief and mumbled

"At least they didn't make (Y/N) reset to the underground"

"Who's they?"

You asked, he looked around to see that no one was there. Then he spoke


🄶🄻🄸🅃🄲🄷🄴🄳 (Undertale AU Sanses X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now