11: E

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A/N: Hey! Sorry for the crappy and short chapter, I just felt obliged to have a chapter up before 2017 ends and Christmas too! Anyways if you can read the slanted word backwards then yey !yad ecin a evah neht ,samtsirhc etarbelec tnod ouy fi !samtsirhc yrreM



"And who's that?"

You asked, Sans looked a bit frightened. And he asks you to follow him to the bench in the small garden in the backyard


Sans said, after he plops down on the bench. You sat down beside him and asked him

"So, who is this CHARA?"

"... its a long story"

Sans said, then started his story

"so, before i knew that they were a lot of me's. me and all the monsters were trapped underground"


You asked, he continued

"a long long time ago, humans and monsters ruled over earth. but one day, war broke out between the 2 races. blah blah blah. we lost and humans sealed the monsters underground. Blah blah blah"

You giggled a bit, then he starts talking again

"so, when we were in the underground. the royal scientists were looking for a way to set us monsters, free. when the king ASGORE's child, found a fallen human"

"the prince, ASRIEL. found the human child and brought her back to the castle, the king and queen. ASGORE and TORIEL, took the human child and raised it like their own"

"a few years later, CHARA was the hope of the whole underground until one day, she fell ill"

Sans continued while you listened closely to the story of CHARA

"CHARA only had one wish, to see the bed of golden flowers in her village. but, the monsters were trapped underground. there was nothing they can do"

"one night, CHARA died. ASRIEL took CHARA's soul and crossed the barrier with their body, he went to the human village and placed CHARA on the bed of golden flowers. then..."

"Then what...?"

You asked, you realized Sans fell asleep to his own story


"hh whoops, anyways. screams ran out, the humans had thought that ASRIEL had killed CHARA. they attack ASRIEL with everything, ASRIEL had the power to destroy them all but... he refused to"

"he left the human village, with CHARA in hand and he fell down on the buttercup field and started to form into dust. the king and queen lost both children at one night. once again, the humans had taken everything from us"

"the king ordered his men to kill the next fallen human on sight and bring their soul to him. he would crush the barrier and they would be free once collected 7 souls"

"the queen was against this. a few days went by, and the queen had disappeared"

Sans said, you asked

"How do all of this fit into whats happening now?"

"because I'm not yet finished (Y/N)"

Sans continued his story

"after 6 humans had died in a long amount of time, they only needed one more soul to be free. and a child named FRISK was the last soul needed for us monsters to be free"

"CHARA was awoken due to FRISK's Determination"


You asked, he chuckled and shaked his head no

"anyways, CHARA (As a ghost Y/N, what is even Homonecrosis?) followed FRISK on their journey to free the monsters"

"FRISK, was successful in setting the monsters free. for a short amout of time, I was happy to see Papy be happy to meet the world above and become friends with FRISK. however..."

"Due to FRISK's Determination she managed to RESET time back to when she fell into the underground due to curiosity, and she killed everyone. With the help of CHARA... including me"

"I KNEW U WERE UNDEAD! (Well, your a skeleton) BUT YOU ARE UNDEAD"

You assumed, Sans faceslapped... erm... skullslapped

He asked


"What!? I dont know anythin?"

You replied, he continued the story

"CHARA, RESET the time over and over. killing and killing, finally. frisk managed to set us free again, and kept it that way"

"Does that mean anyone can reset if they wanted to?"

You asked, Sans was gonna say no but he hesitated. He answered

"actually, if their THAT determined to RESET then... they can, but only frisk can do that. how can you?"

"I don't know"

You said, he stood up and glanced at you

"well, theirs only one way to find out..."

He said, then you stood up as well


"Like this"

He said, then his left eye socket glowed blue. And your surroundings turned into pitch black

A (F/C) heart showed in front of you

*sans is in front of you

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