15: U.

262 11 2

A/N: Okay so, I'm not sorry. But I still will apologize for not being able to make other dates with the other sanses because its gonna take a long time and if it takes too long ill end up deleting its exsistance so im not  removing it

Once again I apologize because of the not being able to date anyone else as Y/N and being dead.

You forced your eyes open, your vision was hazy and unclear but you saw nothing but a black void. And a figure, a female figure to be specific

"(Y/N), Its me, Serena"

You then see more clearly, seeing the huge faded blue scarf on her and her black long hair, white on the edges. A beautiful red clip on her hair. You sat up and looked around

"Where... Am I?"

"I don't know either, I found that you disappeared from the sans household. I teleported here to your exact spot but I do not know where we are, I haven't been here before"

Serena responded, looking around. It was dark, really dark but Serena's pin was glowing enough light to see her. She stood up and lent you a hand

"Come here (Y/N), I'll get you out of here"

You took her hand and stood up, you both teleported out but you saw a flash of the same area you saw when you we're with Ink

"We're at your house now (Y/N), it seems as if you we're gone for a long time"

"How long?"

You asked, Serena looks back and spoke

"About a day"


You respond, you felt an unfamiliar feeling, as if you we'rent gonna be okay after entering the house. You turn to Serena

"I don't have a good feeling about this"

"Go in, I'll follow, I'll be able to help you if something goes wrong"

She responds, you nod your head. She takes off her clip and spins it around her hand, it turns into a giant black pen. You start walking inside, you enter and it was empty. Why was it empty?


You hear a girl yell, and you get punched in the face. You turn to the girl, whom gets smacked in the face with a frying pan


Hearing the familiarity of the voice, you look at the girl and it was your sister; Caroline



Caroline yells, rubbing her bridge of her nose. Solar spoke

"Its not, your overreacting"

"Whatsup J̷͝--"

Caroline spoke but gets cut off by Solar

"My name is Serena, I assume you are (Y/N)'s sister? We haven't. met. Where are the other sanses?"

"That I don't know, that's why I've been hiding in the couch for half an hour"

Caroline replied, then there was hammering in one of the rooms. Caroline turns to the kitchen and looks through the counter tops

"OKAY, SO, WE HAVE TO SEE WHAT OR WHO THAT WAS. ERM, Where are the knives?"

Caroline asked, you shrug. Having no experience in the actual room, she find one and takes it out. She spoke, taking out a rather familiar knife

"Okay Serena mermaid, (Y/N). Lets go check it out"

🄶🄻🄸🅃🄲🄷🄴🄳 (Undertale AU Sanses X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now