13: S

459 12 1



"So, I have a determined soul?"

You asked, Serena nodded. You sighed and she snapped her fingers, 2 temmies appeared. They go over to you

"Dun't b saD!"

One temmie said, you faintly smiled then Serena spoke

"Well, your determination is not as great. You can only reset after a few days, everything will be back to normal but there would be one time you will be forced to Reset again, and again, and again forever"

"Thats... Rather terrifying, can you do anything about it?"

You asked, the temmies hugging you. You felt a bit comfortable with the temmies, and slowly starting to trust Serena. Thats a nice name, did she name herself? You thought

"I guess I'll try inform Ink of the timelines, after all he wasn't here when you reset so he didn't feel it unless he was there the moment you did. But thats impossible, he was fixing AU's when Sans called him"

She said, then snapped her fingers

"Uhm, sorry for the entrance. I couldn't help it"

You looked behind and it was a portal

"Where does that lead?"

You asked, she replied standing up

"Your bedroom, you'll come out of your closet. Don't tell anyone"

"I will, if they find out they would probably barge in my room"

You said, then stood up. She spoke

"You can come talk to me anytime, I'll be sure to help"

You giggled and waved back at her, one temmie still clinging on to you and the other one sitting next to Serena


The temmie waves to the other one


Your temmie replied, then you fell off from your closet to the hardwood floor. You heard foot steps and closed the closet quickly and inched towards your bed

"(Y/N) you okay?"

Ink asked, peeking through your room. You gave a thumbs up and he left, you stood up and walked to your bathroom. You take a look at yourself and you look like you woke up

I look like a mess You thought, with your hair looking like frankenstein's. You start doing your morning routine and put your hair into a normal bun

"HI BEAUTIFUL-- I mean, HI (Y/N)!"

Blue yelled when you entered the kitchen to make cereals, you giggled. Blue then stood up and ran towards the window, breaking it and also jumping through it

"Uhm, that wasnt the first time he--"

"Get used to it"

Mafia said, eating a hot dog. You put some bread in the toaster and grabbed the cereal box, you walked over to the fridge and grabbed milk

You placed the box and milk at the counter and grabbed a bowl, you poured cereal and milk into the bowl and the toaster popped out the toast

You grab a small plate and put the toast on it, you walked to the fridge and grabbed some butter. You put butter on the bread and returned the milk and butter

🄶🄻🄸🅃🄲🄷🄴🄳 (Undertale AU Sanses X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now