Section I. - The Morning

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Section I. - The Morning.

1. Begin the morning by saying to yourself: it is possible that I may depart from my life, that I detach myself from all surroundings, but I must regulate every act and thought accordingly to what I believe is the best thing for me to do. Begin the morning by looking at yourself, your traits, as if you would look at your dreams, and grasp whether you have chosen to wander the right path or not.

2. In the morning, when you awake unwanted, when you open your eyes unwillingly, let this thought be attendant — I rise and awake in order to fulfill myself, create my own story and I only wander these paths of torture so that I will find myself. In the morning when you must confront the life you fear, let this thought be present — Today shall be part of something greater which one day will grow into something beautiful, and I am not able to grasp it yet but if I continue to search, I unhoused piece of mind, flesh, veins and bones, I will stand above myself one day; no matter how far the day might be away, it must occur.

3. And when you must awake, without volition to face your deeds, think about your deathbed and that one day, you must rest in it, for you are a human being; but then arise and live according to your mind and its nature, and be aware of what power and strength it has given you. Recall the fortitude of your mind and what it allows you to do. For how prodigal it is to rest and linger over dreams, when your mind is powerful and is able to bear all that you allow yourself to do.

4. In the morning when you awake, wishing to go back to the dream you enjoyed more, when you beg, when you crave for a life inside another peace of human flesh — be it so: but there are many things I have not found yet and plenty belongings still remain unseen, and I must not ignore all the paths I am able to take, since they will guide me to something greater, to a place where I will never feel astray.

5. When the morning comes, and when the sun dresses the sky, between the interval of waking up and opening our eyes, we all secretly hope that the day we are going to face will be different, while we forget the choice is ours to make.

6. And if the day occurs where you wish to be taken away from this planet, let this thought be present: everything which happens, happens for I unconsciously let it come this far. Therefore it is my decision if I make the best out of it, or if I leave it all behind. But no matter my decision, this fact still exists: I must create enough new space for another day, in which I will have learned from my mistakes and will have created a better self. I used to not stand above anyone, but I am standing higher now, and I am part of something great, which I am able to discover, if I follow what my mind says. I cannot go this far and then turn down myself; I must stand above my past self.

If the day appears, where the clouds inside your mind do not seem to fade, let this thought be attendant: if I make the best out of this situation, all of this can and will grow into something wonderful and strong.

7. In the morning when you awake unwanted, when you do not wish to open your eyes, let this thought be attendant: I am alive, and as a part of the human race I own features and abilities which I am able to control. I partake in a society, therefore I must arise and work - otherwise I would not occupy and use the space which was created for me in accordance with the regulations. If I do not improve my deeds, as long as I do not uprise, my work as a human being is not acceptable and this mind, body and flesh are not used properly, and I only disturb the social adjustment which surrounds me. I must arise and get up for the work as a human being.

8. As soon as your mind's fantasies come to an end, say to your self: This body I own, and these hands I have complete control of, are supposed to create things, and if I only dream, nothing will happen according to my nature. But if I arise and beget new thoughts and ideas, if I partake in physical work, I do neither interrupt nor harm the abilities of my mind and embodiment. It is my duty to find what I am capable of and to implement what I am able to do.

9. This is your life, and just like a book it has terrible, unimaginative, uninteresting or torturous chapters. But what is written in the final chapter is yours to decide. For you own the hand, you hold the pen, and only you know the words you truly want to write. No one is able to replace these things.

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