Section III. - Reminders

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Section III. - Reminders.

1. A poet is a poet, whether he creates poetry for his family or if he is highly acclaimed. A musician is a musician, no matter if he plays with a flute for himself or if he is able to play every instrument for the greatest crowd. A painter is a painter, for he paints, even if he creates the most peculiar paintings or one sketch throughout a year. A reader is a reader, however much books he reads and what content they do have. And in the exact same way, you will always be your self, no matter what you do.

2. If you keep screaming, no one will listen. But convert your thoughts into deeds and everyone will stare.

3. Do not complain if you are not willing to undergo a risk and change anything.

4. Only implement the deed if the core of your surroundings is not endangered.

5. You must always keep in mind the matters you choose to believe in, what their nature is, and what is related to them, what things are a part of the system, what it is that makes them entire; that you, for you choose to believe in them, are the greatest and primary part of the whole, of the total made up of parts - and without you, the wholeness of the entity cannot exist.

6. Either you read a book or you devote yourself to it. The first method simply influences your thoughts and the second method educates your mind. What you do with it is up to you.

7. It will occur that you must confront something undesirable, disadvantageous or hazardous, but you must accept a few missteps, otherwise you will never be able to pass the first step of the staircase.

8. It does not matter what you own, what you possess, what you have – as long as it is what you have chosen, no one is able to accuse you of wastage.

9. Live for the sake of purpose, not beauty.

10. You only require what your nature requires. And if you are willing to follow its order, which, doubtless, is not continually effortless, do not be disgusted, ashamed, nor dissatisfied, nor indignant, — be content of the actions and the choices you and your nature necessitate.

11. In the end we are on our own, trying to fix the pieces we have broken, forgiving each other for the insignificant contrasts which make us the same.

12. Do not think about the Ifs and Cans, but think about the Wants and Needs.

13. Nothing is able to replace love for yourself, therefore allow self-love to be the greatest priority of the whole, no matter how long it takes to achieve it.

14. The end is never the intention. The end of a storm is not its intention, but rather it is the act itself, which leaves a free interpretation where the intention may be. Yet it always depends on the one experiencing it.

15. You began this all by yourself - now do not let it come to an end. After all it started with yourself - do not turn it down or wait until it will be taken away.

16. If you give up your dreams, is your life worth living?

17. Do you believe that age makes no difference? - Then look back on this very moment in two years, and ask yourself again.

18. Do you want to go somewhere far away? Do you want to go out late at night, go to a park and talk with someone about the distorted future and the visions of the past? Do you want to live a life worth writing down? — Then stop procrastinating and create this life. You do not own an infinite amount of time.

19. Will it still be interesting for you when it is not concealed?

20. What is your greatest passion, and what would you do for it?

21. You began. But ask yourself this: do you have enough patience and want to continue?

22. The word and expression ‘Exactly’ is never fully formed; it always depends on the reader or listener. There is no right interpretation, no matter what, no matter under which circumstances it appears.

23. No matter how hard it is to climb the mountain, there always will be plateaus from where one is able to enjoy the view, while others keep climbing up; eventually trip and fall back without realizing. One but only must want to find them, informal - not ought to find them.

24. Humans who obsessively search for a counterargument, simply refuse to believe in the designated statement or assertion and use the counterargument as an emergency exit.

25. Freethinkers never will be suited for groups, since they cannot think with the present persons, but rather inherently think through each one.

26. Faults and mistakes do not exist. People simply think they occur, when it is about the difference of opinion, when the act itself is judged by the reader or listener; mostly based upon our ideals of moral.

27. If your doubt became ubiquitous, you should not fall into despair, but rather seek to find the advantages of your disbelief, and choose to wander your own path.

28. And what no one seems to notice, is the significance hiding inside the quiet.

29. You were born and you will die, so make the best out of now. You shall stay the way you are, if you are complacent, no matter the words of others, no matter the time, no matter the situation. This life is all you have, and you will die - therefore know how to enjoy your own presence the most.

30. Believe in your own mind, create your own rules, your own laws and opinions - build up your own story.

31. The only thing you should ask yourself at the end of each day, is: am I the one I want to be?

32. It is always easy to quit; but it takes courage and effort to not give in.

33. Instead of ‘How do you know?’, we should ask ‘Why do you claim to know?’.

34. Most people tend to forget that belief is only a proof for an opinion, but not for a fact - as long as facts exist in the first place.

35. When the night arrives, speak nothing more than hush and listen to the silence, to the quiet. For it holds more content, than the most deafening voices, and most complex sentences, you have ever heard.

36. During times of defeat remember everything your hands have wrought.

37. Let this thought be alive: I do not deserve to harm myself, it is a disgraceful deed that I give myself pain, while being completely aware of the fact that I am able to prevent it. I have never intendedly given pain to other beings before - they do not deserve the harm, and neither do I.

38. If you find anything better than you believe to have seen before, if you grasp an opportunity to fulfill your story, take it and turn towards it with all your mind, - relish what you find to be the best. If you do not believe in this, ask yourself if you feel complete - ask yourself if you are in unison with yourself.

39. We are all fighting our own battles, until eventually we find someone who must face the exact same combat. And only this, nothing more and nothing less, to fight together upon the battlefield of life, to not consider leaving, is true love.

40. To lose ground is one of the best things to happen. - How deaf and blind must one be to not realize? — Humans do not grasp the true value of the loss from the boundedness. Know: this shall be the whole of the law for these days: You shall move your head aloft inside the clouds; you shall not dare to be chained towards the ground. Be free instead.

41. Every pace and rhythm, every matter of life can be delectable, as long as you know what to make out of it.

42. Would you enjoy listening to yourself?

43. If you already give up at the beginning, what do you live for?

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