Chapter 2

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The alarm buzzed to life as soon as it struck 6 AM. In the break of early dawn, Roger struggled to get out of bed and in to the bathroom. With heavy eye lids, he managed to drag himself to the bathroom and performed the usual morning ritual. After getting ready for school, he went towards his bed's sidetable and picked up his diary. Sifting to a fresh page, he put yesterday's date and began writing what had chanced that day. 

22 October 2013

Dear Diary,

It has been a month that I have been talking to Elisa since the time she congratulated me on my proctorship victory. This may sound surprising, but for some very odd reason, I find my conversations with her to be very soothing in relieving my pain of the betrayal I faced 8 months ago by Mary. My constant struggles to forget about her were no match compared to the way how she always creates a happy environment around us every time we talk. Her way with words, sophisticated, yet embodies the spirit of a little girl already takes my breath away. I wonder how i'll react when I finally get to meet her in person. I want to express the desire to meet her someday, but the I always end up shying away from the thought. After such rough years at  South County High School, life seems to take a beautiful turn, with Elisa leading the way. I hope I get to thank her someday. 

With a brief pause after completing his diary, Roger was caught in a trance to meet Elisa, and without even realizing, began smiling to himself.

The smile broke through the painful barries of the past, and was a smile hard-earned, This particular smile was different. This smile was brighter, wider and it was real. A smile that goes through the twists, turns and crashes in life is always the brightest. 

He took a deep breath, embracing the warmth his diary had to offer, radiating through his body, giving him a sense of peace and security. After having a glimpse on the clock, Roger gets up in high spirit and marches towards the calender. The calender, spanning till the year 2025, with multiple marks and entries scribled on it, gave off nostalgia across the room. He crosses out yesterday's date on the calender and then turns the pages of the calender till 2020. He stared on the first day of Janurary 2020 for a brief moment and then childishly smiled and bent his head.

''Six years and two months to go....''

Carelessly tossing his marker next to his medications, Roger leaves his room.

Roger is diagnosed with one of the most feared dieaseses on the planet - Cancer. Luckily, though, Roger's cancer condition is not severe or detrimental. But it very slowly, steadily, chews him up from the inside. Since Roger found about his cancer and how long he will be able to live, he has numbered his days in order to achieve his ultimate aim: A life without regrets. In order to achieve this, he struggles to make an impact every single day, because he wants to be remembered by the people around him as the ''guy who did it''. From competitive fury to making memories that may turn in to inspirational tales, Roger aspires to accomplish big. 

After having breakfast, Roger pins up his pride on his left arm - his proctor badge that he strived for so much to earn. Although a humble person, Roger always found a sheer sense of responsibility and self-integrity as soon as he armed that emblem on his shoulder. His mother gave his two brothers and him a kiss on their foreheads and bade them farewell with a prayer - a traditional Hector household's morning custom. 

The three brothers entered the car where their driver was waiting for them to take them to school. Roger sat on the front and fliped out the overhead shade to view himself in the mirror. As he connected his eyes with the person in the mirror, the person gave a reassuring glance to encourage Roger to believe in himself.  

The car's engine roared to life and Roger waved his mother good bye as he was off to school. Another challenging day had just begun. 

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