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" Okay. We need to get some more foods and other necessities at the store." Peter announces to our small group.

We're currently hiding in a small house a few blocks from a dollar store. I'm honestly surprised we've survived this long so far. At every corner there's a zombie just waiting to jump out and attack. In our small group, that consists of 7 people is; Me, Ryan, Natalie, Peter, John, Sierra and Jackson.

" Yeah, I agree." Sierra said. I really need some necessities." She adds quietly. We all know what she means by it. Code for our monthly.

Peter nods before replying. " Yes.. So Some of you need to stay here and a few go with me." John volunteers almost immediately, then Jackson. Peter watches out the window a few moments. I decide to also join because I will get all the girly stuff. Ryan gives me a worried look but I wave him off, telling him I'll hurry and be fine. With that he just sighs giving me a hug and telling me to be careful.

" Okay... Are y'all ready?" Peter asks. I nod, despite how scared and nervous I am. " Lets go." Peter says and we all gather at the door, getting supplies and weapons.

I glance back to Natalie and Ryan. The two people I love and care about the most. Ryan looks at me for a few minutes then comes forward.

" Wait." He says and wraps me in a hug. I melt into his hug, wanting nothing more but to stay like this forever in his safe embrace. " I'm going with you." He says. I shake my head. 

" No Ryan. We will be right back. I promise I will stay safe and be back." I protest. I can't risk losing him; I know he probably thinks the same thing about me but I'd rather lose myself than lose him. 

" Soph...." He begs silently and it takes everything in me not to listen to him. 

" I love you." I say before kissing his lips softly. 

" I love you too." He says quietly, kissing me back. 

I give him one last glance before being the first to walk out the door. Peter, Jackson and John follows behind me. After we're out, we close the door tightly and start walking towards the street. It's never the same feeling going outside, not since the virus spread. It's not as crowded here in our area, but still doesn't change how scary it is. We all look around cautiously, expecting something to jump out at any moment. We get around the first and second block without any interactions. One more block to go and we will be there. 

" Okay, Once we get there two of us will stand outside to guard, the other two goes in. " Peter says quietly. 

" I'm going inside." I reply in the same hushed tone. 

" Me too." Jackson says. Jackson is Ryan's best friend. I nod. 

" Okay so me and you stay outside?" John asks Peter. Peter nods for a response. 

Here we are. John and Peter stay in front of the doors to guard. Jackson and I share a glance and take a deep breath before going inside. This place is so deserted and inside is such a mess. It's obvious how abandoned it had been.

I go to the medicine and get some Ibuprofen, Tylenol and Midol, then I go to get pads and tampons. I also decide to get some razors and shaving cream, along with body was and shampoo and conditioner. I get some for the girls and guys. After putting those items in my bag; I go to to get some new tooth brushes for all of us with mouth wash and tooth paste. After getting all the personal hygiene items, I try to find Jackson.  He's getting all the foods and clothing and other outdoor necessities. I try to think of anything else we need as I walk down the aisles but I'm pretty sure what I've got and what Jackson is getting should be what we need.

I finally find Jackson, who is currently stuffing his bag with camping gear. He sees me and gives me a small smile. I return the smile to him.

" Are you ready?" I ask quietly. He nods. "Alright, let's get out of here." I reply with a sigh of relief.

We start making our way back towards the entrance. John and Peter are still standing, watching everywhere. When we've made it out safely, we all start walking back to the house. Luckily no zombies stop us on the way and we all make it back safely. It sucks living this way. Which is why we're after the cure, and maybe someday we'll find it.

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