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The air outside was cold once again, the wind seemed as if it was going to blow forever. The crisp leaves would crunch under our feet as we continued walking. Callan, Ryan, Natalie and I are in the back; while the rest of the group is leading the way. 

" We need to stop at a store." Sierra whispers to all of us. 

We all nod in agreement as we continue to what looks like Walmart, there's lots of deserted cars in the parking lot. I look to Ryan and he looks back with a knowing nod. 

" We need to see if any of these cars work." Ryan says to everyone. Peter nods as the other just look. 

" Maybe once we get everything we need from the store then we can come out and see if any work. If they do, then our next stop is a gas station." Peter says as we all nod. 

The closer we get to the entrance of Walmart, the more anxious I feel. This is much bigger than the last stores we've stopped at, which means there's probably more zombies here. I pick Callan up in my arms to carry him. He smiles at me, causing me to smile back; despite the anxiey I'm feeling.

"Alright John and I will be out front guarding. Scream if anyone needs help." Peter says quietly. 

The rest of us nod, all dreading going inside. 

" Well let's get going people." Sierra says, trying to lighten the mood.

We continue walking until the doors slide open, it never occurred to me how loud these doors were until my life is being threatened by zombies. The store was dark and eerie, giving off a very unused vibe.

" Okay let's each split up and get everything we need while we can." Natalie whispers, grabbing my hand and pulling me with her. I swear, if she was dying she would be taking me down with her. 

Natalie and I, along with Callan go into the medicine department and get all kinds for everything, then we go to female department, the last we do clothing. Luckily there's no zombies. At least not yet. When we meet back up with the others, we see that Ryan, Jackson and Sierra had gotten foods and personal-use items, along with some artillery and small weaponry. 

After lugging the bags out we find John and Peter in the parking lot, looking at cars and checking if any are working. They see us and motion us over to them, with grins on their faces. 

" We found a truck." John says, gesturing to the vehicle behind them. I smile, a truck is good because we have a big group and luckily these truck is a four door. 

" Great, lets put these bags in the back." Sierra says, her arms physically dragging from the weight of them. 

" Okay, there's enough room in the front for three and four in the back because all of the girls are small." Peter says with a smile. 

Once all the bags were in the bed of the truck; we all pile in. Ryan, Natalie, Sierra and I with Callan on my lap sit in the back while Jackson, Peter and John in the front. John is driving and i'm glad because he's the oldest and seems to drive the best. I get close to Ryan in the back, laying my head on his shoulder and dozing off as Callan does in my lap. 

I awake to the sound of a car door. As I look out I see that we're at a gas station. Callan and I are the only ones left in the truck while the others are inside get snacks. I hear a loud bang and jump. What's going on?  As I look out I see the girls running out with bags. 

" What's going on?" I ask confused. 

" Zombies in there, about three of them." Natalie says. What? 

" Is Ryan okay...?" I ask getting panicked. 

" Yes, I'm okay love." He says, causing me to jump in my seat. I smile, pulling him into the truck for a hug.

" Good." I reply. 

" Here, eat and drink. It's going to be  a long ride." Sierra says. I nod getting what I got and getting Callans. 

" Thank you." He says when I give him the apple juice and bag of Doritos. 

" You're welcome." I say. 

After John fills the truck up with gas we're on the road. In that moment it doesn't feel like there's a zombie apocalypse going on in the world, it feels as if we're on a road trip going somewhere fun. I think of where we're going as we ride. Ryan and Is' parents, the safe camp. 

We're on our way, I think as I gaze out the window. 

Thanks for reading!! Enjoy! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share! Til next Friday ;)

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