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*4 Years Later*

" Everything okay baby?" Ryan asks, walking into the bathroom as I'm throwing up.

" I don't know what's wrong. I've never felt like this. Get my mom." I reply weakly.

He looks concerned but does as I say. My parents only live two houses away. We're living in the Holland Residence. The neighborhood Jacklyn and her team had cleared out. The houses are really nice and spacious. They're all two story. Callan is attending the school down the street, along with other children his age.

They're slowly getting the whole town cleared out. Curing the infected. It's a slow process, but we're getting there. Closer and closer each day.

" She's in here." I hear Ryan say fast in a stressed voice. My poor Ryan. He's worried about me. They come into my sight moments later. My mom looks worried as well.

" Sophia sweety. What's the matter?" She asks, looking concerned.

" I don't know Mom. I've been feeling weak all week. I've been nauseous and feel tired." I explain. My mom nods, not looking so worried.

" Ryan. Can you excuse us?" Ryan raises a brow but nods. When he leaves my mom comes in and shuts the door.

" When was the last time you had sex?" She asks casually.

" What? Mom!" I laugh but feel tired.

She laughs. " I'm serious sweety." I nod slowly, not even embarrassed anymore.

" It's been a little over a week." I say trying to think. " Besides oral but I don't think that's what you meant." I laugh. She just shakes her head.

" Spare me the details. I think you're pregnant.... I'll go get you a test at the store." She says quickly then rushes out before I can reply.

What?.. Pregnant?  Me.. What? I look around nervously. Oh God. I'm so scared. My nerves get tangled up and I start throwing up again. Ugh.

" Ryan." I yell. He rushes in here and rubs on my shoulders and back.

" Yes love?" He asks me sweetly. I look to him. I'm not going to mention anything until I take the test.

" My mom is going to get me some medicine." I say quietly.

He nods and holds me in his arms. I snuggle close and close my eyes. We would have a beautiful child. The thought of having a child is both thrilling and terrifying at the same tims. Part of me feels anxious but also excited. Ryan plays with my hair, drawing me out of my thoughts.

" I love you." I say softly. He looks at me softly before a grin appears.

" I love you so much Sophie." He smiles happily. The feeling of love is so strange yet so exhilarating. Would he be upset if I were to be pregnant?

Shortly after Ryan finished speaking, my mom shows up with a bag in hand full of supplemental things. A variety of medicines, tests, and feminine hygiene. 

" Move out of the way Ryan." My mom says. Ryan pouts, eyeing my mother grumpily before leaving. I miss his warmth as soon as he leaves. His absence left me cold.
" Okay. Now get up and pee on this stick." She says sternly.

" Yes ma'am." I reply, taking the test and following the directions. Once I'm done I place it on the sink counter. It takes one minute to calculate.

" Mom. I'm nervous." I say quietly, glancing at the test.

She nods in understanding. " I know sweetie but it'll be okay. Remember, I was in this same situation and feeling once too." She grins. "It's scary and new but make the most of it." I nod in agreement before checking the test.

Positive. It's positive. I am pregnant. Following this test, I take two more in order to have accurate results. All are positive. Wow, I'm actually pregnant. Ryan and I are going to be parents. My brain starts thinking a million things at once as I think about the life I will be growing inside me. I look down rubbing over my lower stomach that doesn't give the slightest hint of pregnancy, yet.  My mom smiles brightly, while my eyes tear up.

" Get Ryan!" I say quickly, standing up and pulling my pants up. She's nods, smiling more.

" Ryan, come here right now!" My mom says loudly. Ryan rushes over fast, looking pale.

" Is everything okay?" He asks worriedly. I nod, biting my lip.

" Um....well..." I start. He raises a brow.

" What is it babe?" He asks softly, holding my hands in his, his thumb brushing over my knuckle.

" Well...Ryan, I'm pregnant." I say slowly. He stares at me for a few seconds. He blinks a few times. Then he  smiles. His smile is so wide and happy that it causes me to smile as well.

" Really?" He grins more, getting excited. I smile and nod, pointing to the test. He starts to kiss down to my stomach. My smile gets bigger before erupting into a giggle. 

" I am so happy." He says while kissing my belly. I play with his hair as the emotions take over.

" Me too." I admit, as a happy tear slips down my face.

My mom looks at us happily.

In a messed up world like this, there is still some good out of it. I am going to start a little family. I can't wait to tell my best friend, Natalie. She already had a baby. A little boy, Jacob. He's one and already talking. He is adorable. I look to Ryan.

" I love you." He says softly, holding me in a tight, but comforting embrace.

" I love you." I say with a confident smile, knowing everything will be okay.

And it will.

Thank you to everyone who has read or voted! It means a lot. I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share!! THE END!!!

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