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The next day everyone in the camp had a meeting in the cafeteria. It was an assembly they all had planned a while back. 

" As most of you know our doctors here, Janet, Drake, and Kayla have been trying to study on the zombie infection virus. We've heard on a radio that a clinic in Washington has the cure. " Caleb is interrupted by the crowds cheers. After it gets quiet he begins speaking again. 

" We're not very close to Washington, considering we're in Colorado. It's almost a twenty one hour ride, so instead of taking everyone I will be sending out a group of people along with a doctor. " Caleb says aloud to the group.
" If interested please come to my office the evening around five. Thank you for attending the meeting you may now go back to your dailys." Caleb finishes. 

Our group all looks to each other before nodding. I won't let Callan go though.  As I'm thinking I see Callan with my parents. They're giggling and playing with some kind of toy, looks to be like a small truck.

A smile spreads across my face as I watch them, I'm sure he'd be safe here, and would be good with my parents. Our group gets together as the rest of the people scurry back to their rooms. 

" We need to speak to him." Jackson says when we're all gathered. The rest of us nod in agreement. 

" We should try talking to him now though, before he starts thinking of other people to send out." Peter adds. I glance over to Ryan and he squeezes my hand under the table. 

" I'm kind of scared though... We just now got to safety." Sierra says quietly, looking down at the table. 

" I am going to get that cure." John says, staring hard at the table. " My wife was killed by them monsters and I'm not going to let another family go through this. If we could help save some of them.. We need to." He finishes, staring at us. I nod, poor John. 

" You're right." Sierra replies quietly. " I just don't want to lose anyone else." She whispers, I squeeze her hand and give her a small smile. 

" Lets go talk to him." Peter says. 

The rest of us nod, following him to Caleb's office. The risks you're willing to take for those you love. I glance at everyone, I would give my life up for these people. Ryan pecks my cheek as we're walking. I grin up at him. Once we're outside of Caleb's office, I hear him chuckling before waving us in. 

" How did I know your group would volunteer first?" He asks John. John grins. 

" You know that we're a good fit, we've all survived out there together for months. We've also been training." Peter adds in. 

" Besides we want that cure just as bad as the rest of you do." John says quietly. Caleb nods his head as if in thought. 

" That seems to be true." He mutters, more like to himself than to us. 

" Well." Sierra says questionably. We all look around at each other and to Caleb.

" Meet me back here around 5, I believe that y'all will make great people to go out. Especially with y'all already surviving this long." Caleb says, looking at us. I smile; grabbing onto Ryan's hand. 

" We can do it." I say for encouragement. They all smile before we walk out of Caleb's office.

Thanks for reading! Sorry couldn't update yesterday and it's short. I've had too much homework. Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share!

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