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Mitch's POV

I woke up to Rayna cuddling up to my chest.I smiled at her and caressed her cheek.She didn't deserve any of this.

I got out of bed and brushed my hair.

I went into the living room and saw Scott making breakfast."Good morning."I greeted Scott.

"Morning.Is Rayna still asleep?"Scott asked.

I nodded and smiled.

"Morning,Mitch.Morning,Scott."I heard Rayna from the bedroom."Morning."Scott and I said in usion.

Rayna looked sad for some reason.

"Is everything alright,Rayna?"I put my hand on her shoulder."No."She said.

"Do you want to talk about it?"I asked.Rayna nodded and said,"Later.".I nodded and smiled.Rayna smiled back at me and hugged me.

I wrapped my arms around her and said,"You're safe,Rayna.And you'll always be safe.".

She wrapped her arms around my neck and said,"Thank you.For everything.".I smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Is your little moment done here?"Scott asked.I let Rayna go and laugh.

I nodded and smiled.

We ate breakfast and sat in the living room.I turned the TV on and the news was on.

"We are here to talk about the late murder of Selvix Meldilite."The reporter called.

My heart skipped a beat.

We listened to the news and they were talking about Rayna disappearing.

"And please...if you find my daughter,please bring her home to me."

My heart was beating ten times faster than before.The news reporter is Rayna's mom?!

"Rayna,are you alright?"I asked.

Her eyes had tears falling from them.I have her a side hug but she pushed me away and ran into the bedroom.

"Now would be the time to call the rest over."I said firmly.Scott nodded and called Kirstie,Avi,and Kevin.

I went into the bedroom and saw Rayna sitting on the edge of the bed,crying.

"Just go away,Mitch.I need some time alone."She said."You have been alone to long.So I'm not going away."I said.

I sat down on the bed next to Rayna."Why did you even save me anyways?No one cares for me."She said.

I gasped and my eyes widen.

"Cause,Rayna,no one deserves to be left and deserted on the street.And let's just say that I can't stand to see someone in pain."I said with compassion.

She leaned on my shoulder and sighed.

"Thank you,Mitch."

"Your welcome."

I smiled and caressed Rayna's cheek."Lay down with me Mitch."Said Rayna.This took me back some.I guess she wants some company.


I laid down and Rayna laid her head on my chest."You're like a pillow,Mitch."she said.

I laughed and said,"And you're like a rock.".

"Meanie."She said.

I ran my hand through her hair.

"Are we interrupting anything?"I heard Avi laugh from the door.Rayna told them about the news and everything.

"Is your mom in California somewhere?"Kirstie asked."She has to be in California."Rayna answered.

"But I don't wanna leave you guys."Rayna said.

I hugged Rayna and said,"I don't want you to leave either,Rayna."I said."Lovebirds."Kevin coughed.

I glared at him and stuck my tongue at him.Kevin stuck his tongue at me and I laughed.

"Weird question,Rayna.But have you ever had a boyfriend before?"I asked.

I felt weird asking her that question.She frowns and says,"No.".

"Why?"I asked.

She sighed and said,"Lots of guys would ask me out and I would say no.Than they would call me ugly and say I'm worthless back in high school and middle school.".

"You're not ugly,Rayna"I said putting my head on her shoulder."Thanks,Mitch."She said.

"You're welcome."I said.

"Just date already for God's sake!"Avi yells.

Rayna tried to make a superfrown,but she failed miserably.She laughed and smiled and me.I smiled back at her and caressed her cheek again.

Rayna is such a sweet girl.Why would anyone not care for her?I know that I barely know anything her,but I like her.

"Um,Mitch?Private conversation in the living room please?"Scott asked.I nodded my head confusingly.

I stepped out into the living room with Scott.

"What's wrong?"I asked.

"You love Rayna,don't you?"Scott smirked.I gasped and my eyes widen.

"Well,do you?"

"No!I barely know her,Scott."I said.

"I believe you.But I'm watching you.Every.Single.Move."Scott said.

I laughed at him and went back into the bedroom."Is it alright if we stay the night,Mitch?"Kevin asked.

I nodded and smiled.

Scott sleeps on the couch,Kirstie,Avi,and Kevin sleep in the floor,and me and Rayna sleep in the bed.

I laid in the bed next to Rayna.

I got on my phone and got on Instagram."You want to take a picture,Rayna?"I asked.

Rayna smiled and nodded.

I went to the camera and smiled.Rayna smiled and her dimples appeared.I took the picture and uploaded it to Instagram.

"You do know that you have dimples,right"I laughed.Rayna laughed and nodded.

"Well you have dimples,too.And they are very cute dimples."She said.I was flattered yet shocked.

"Thanks."I said quietly.She nodded and smiled.I realized that the air conditioning wasn't on.The rest was already asleep.

I got out of bed and took my shirt off.

"What are you doing?"Rayna asked.

"It's hot in here."I said plainly.

I laid back down in bed and smiled."You know you look very cute when you're tired?"Rayna said.

I blushed.My cheeks were probably red as a tomato."Well,it's true!"She quietly yelled.

I smiled and blushed some more."Night,Rayna."I whispered.

"Night,Mitch."She said.

Rayna laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arm around her.

I fell asleep instantly.

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