a love that will never happen

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how can your love kill someone that you've care about for a year? how can you stand walking down the hall and seeing her against his locker ready to kiss him. you feel like your world is caving away. time stands still just for a minute. you walk up touch his face, look into those eyes kiss him one last time. sobbing you walk away. time goes back to normal and he runs after you asking you whats wrong. you just look at him as the tears fall thicker and faster. lying you say nothing you just bit your tongue super hard. shaking his head he laughs. later that night laying in bed you look at the ceiling wondering why cant he see your pain....everything he does has killed you. the next day you wake up and go to school. you and him are walking across the road and a car was coming. you make it and look back just in time to see his body go flying through the air filled with your screams. running across the road you hold his body rocking back and forth screaming his name over and over. you hear the sirens fill the air. you dont want to let go. you go with them to the hospital and sit there rocking back and forth. your best friend comes running through the door and you sit together hoping for the best. you are allowed in his room and you cry and cry. your heard him move...you lift your head up wiping your eyes looking at him. he says your name so quietly you cant be sure it was your name. you lean in close and he says i love you. your cry deepens as you leave the room. the next day hes sitting up and talking. you spend all the time you can with him. when he comes back to school things seems a little different. he goes back to the way he was and you slowly slip back into the shadows. every night you and him text. hearing the door bell you run to the door to find a bear that says im sorry for how im acting. theres rose petals leading you to the back where he stands looking so good. you run to him hugging and kissing him.

thats how it should be forever

but its not   

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