Chapter 12

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Stacey's POV

I woke up with strong, warm arms around my waist.  I turned around to see Blake wide awake.

"How long have you been up?"

"An hour or so." he said with the biggest smile on his face like tht is something to be proud of.

I laughed "Your such a creeper. What time is it??"

"its 9:00 and no im not trust me, if you were me you would do the same like look at you, your prefection."

"Thxs but im not perfect."

"you are you just dont realize it, we should start to get ready so we can go pick your stuff and Zack's stuff up and move you here."

"ok im going to take a shower. Is Zack up?"

"HAHAHAA your funny he is so much like you he is not a morning and wakes up at  like 12pm. Like he is exactly like you."

"Shut up, he is just a normal person like me we like to treasure our sleep."

He chuckled

"im going to get him up and then leave him with your brother."

"ok." I said while I was getting up.

He slapped my ass.

"You look good in my clothes."

"yea, yea whatever you say, just keep your hands to yourself. "

"I will try but no promise. "

Then I walked into the bathroom and got in the shower.

Blake's POV

Damn only if she knew. I get up and walk in to Zack's room.

"Come on little buddy, you need to wake up." I say while rubbing his back.

"nwo dwaddy lweave mwe alone."

"Zack come on mommy is here and you are going to go to uncle Mark's house."

After I said tht he quickly stooded up in his crib and put his arms up so I can pick him up.

Stacey's POV

I put on blue jeans and a white crop top that said hi on it and blue toms.

And then I went downstairs. To my surprise they were ready.

Once Zack saw me he came running.

"Mwommy I mwiss ywou."

"awww baby I miss you too." I said while picking him up and giving him a kiss.

"Heyy!!! where's my kiss" Blake said while walking towards me and Zack.

"ywea mwommy where's dwaddy's kwiss."

I laugh then gave Blake a kiss on the cheek.

"there you guys happy." Zack nodded and then I put him down.

"yes very happy but u miss." he said while getting closer to me

lucky Zack was standing between us.

" well to bad we have to go." I said with the biggest smile on my face.

We walked out to the car and Black put Zack in his car sit.

"Mwommy lwook we awll a fwamily nwow."

"yea baby I guess we are."

Blake start to drive. 10 mins later we got to my brother's house and we dropped off Zack.

then we got to Austin's house.

"Austin should be asleep or not here."

"ok lets hurry up." he said while taking off his seatbelt

we walked into the house and Blake was in Zack's room lucky all of his stuff is in boxes and my most of my stuff is too.

Austin's POV

I heard the door open. Maybe Stacey came back. i miss her but the girl I had sex with was fine but then again not sexy like Stacey.  I walk in to mine and Stacey was packing something Im guessing her stuff.

"what are you doing?"

"im packing" she said while putting the rest of her clothes in a box.


"because its obvious you dont love me and you have someone else." she said while a tear fell off her face.

"no thats not true I love you that girl doesn't me anything to me."

"you got her pregnant and its not the first time you cheated."

I was now crying I cant let her go she is my everything.

"baby, please dont leave I need you."

she started to walking down stairs.

"im sorry Austin, I..I j..just cant."

and then she walked out the house into a car.

There goes my life.

Stacey's POV

I walked to the car wiping the tears off my face.

"what happen?" Blake said with a worried face starting to drive.

"he was a....awake and he we telling me not to go."

"look I know its hard but you have to let him go."


before we new it we were home.

he put all the boxs in the house and I started to unpack.

"now we are going to be a family." Blake said smiling

"yea, talking bout family where's Zack?"

"your brother call a few mins ago saying that he is going to be dropp- "

we heard the door bell ring.

"I will get it." I said and then went downstairs and opened the door.


"hiiii baby." I said while kissing his cheek and then waving bye to my brother. I closed the door and Zack went to his room to play with his toys. And I went to mine and Blake's room to finish unpacking.


I finish unpacking and went down stairs. I saw Zack and Blake watching the movie cars.

I went to sit down when Blake grabbed me by my waist and pulled me on to his lap.

"wow you got a strong grip."

"why are you surprised?" he said while giving me a kiss on the cheek.

" I dont know." we both laughed

by now it is like 10pm and Zack was falling asleep.

"awww baby you sleepy?"

"yes I am" Blake answer

I laughed

"not you I was talking to Zack."

we got up and Blake carried Zack to his crib.

and then we went to our room.

"goodnight" I said while climbing in to bed

"goodnight baby." Blake said while kissing my cheek.

idk what it is but I got butterflies when he called me baby and when he kissed my cheek. Am I getting feelings for Blake?


Heyy guys hope you liked it. Dont forget to comment I want to hear what you think about the story.

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