Chapter 5

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Beautifuls POV;
(Picture of Beautiful above)

I stood in the mirror looking at myself. My skin is Snow White , i don't have the flawless glow like my mom, brother, and sister had. My hair is messy all over the place and i never have the patience to flat iron my hair.My mom is always taking Miracle to get her hair done but I'm not complaining i wouldn't spend time with that bitch for a million dollars.

While I'm examining my face I hear a quite knock on the door.
"Beautiful, mom said to hurry down do we can start eating." Successful says through the bathroom door
Once he says that I through on a pair of skinny Jeans and red polo. I also put on a red head band and hurry out of my room.
I didn't expect Successful to be standing right at my door when i opened it, but there he was leant up against the wall.

" You alright?" I ask him while walking out of my room and into the hallway

"There white, and the talk all proper"

" Shh they might hear us" i whisper as we head Down the stairs

I can hear the laughing as soon as i come to the last step. When me and Successful enter the dining room all eyes are directed towards us.

" look who decided to come out the bat cave" Miracle said looking me dead in the face with and evil smile

I notice my mom glare in her direction and i guess Miracle understood cause she turned back to her convo with the young man sitting beside her.
He was very attractive, from the looks of it it seemed like when he stood up he would be at least 6"0 he had brown low cute hair, a small mole on his left cheek, and some deep green eyes. He was gorgeous, he hadn't even looked my way yet.
I don't even know why i cared, boys don't interest me anymore. Well after me and my ex Tyler broke up. We were together so long that when i got single i didn't feel like i was missing out. At first i was torn up when he left but that was way back in August and here i am graduated from high school finally. I had planned on attending college as soon as the fall came but with a life like mines my brother comes first and I can't leave him here to deal with my mother so I'm going to do college classes online.

" Beautiful why don't you go get lunch and set it on the table" my mom said through her fake ass mother of the year act.
I headed for the kitchen as soon as the young man noticed my presents, but I left so fast I dn think he even caught a glimpse of my face. I grabbed the cheese enchiladas and the salsa off the counter and went to sit it on the table.

"¿Qué quieren las bebidas?" I say looking at everyone.

" sí traer un poco de té dulce" my mother replies. I wanted to ask her did she want a little Scotch in it but i didn't want anything to happen after they left. I try avoiding her beatings as much as i can.
I sat the pitcher of tea in the middle of the table but when i looked up the young man looked me right in my eyes causing me to knock over one of the glasses i had brought out.
I could feel my moms eyes burning through my like a Lazar. I hurried to the kitchen to get the broom and clean up but when i got back the young man had already started picking it up.

"Ouch!" The young man called out. He had slit his finger on some glass the cut looked deep but nothing serious.

"Are you ok Anthony?" My mom asked.

" Yes ma'am I'm fine just a little cut "

" Beautiful take Anthony upstairs, clean up his wound and get him a bandage." She says looking at me.

They might not have seen the fire of rage in her eyes but i did and I'm pretty sure Successful did to, we both knew what was going to happen.

Anthonys POV;
I hadn't even noticed her until the little incident with the glasses. She was the most Beautiful girl i had seen in my life. Her skin was pale but it still had its own glow, crazy wild curls down her back, deep sea blue eyes that reminded of stain glass windows. Her features were one of a kind and here i am staring into those big Beatiful eyes while she bandage up my hand.
"I didn't catch your name" i finally said.
"Beautiful," she said quietly.
I chuckled a little bit thinking she was joking but when i seen her expression was bleak i realized she wasn't joking around.
"well I'm Anthony."
" I know i heard my mom say it"
"Well your name really does fit you" i really tried not to sound do corny but i couldn't help it.
"Thank you, your all good now though, and we should probably get back down stairs" she says while putting everything back in the cabinet.
She starts heading out the bathroom and i quickly follow behind her. Even the way she walks is Beautiful, she moves so gracefully and i can't help but stare, we head down the stairs and back into the dining room. Nobody seems to notice her slip out the back door, i grad a plate of food and follow after her.
"Anthony, where are you going" i hear Mirical say but i don't answer and i walk out the back door.
Beautiful doesn't notice me, her back is turned and she is sitting in a tire seeing with her head down, it like like she's holding a book or something. Her hair swings with the wind add the swing slowly moves, gosh I've never seen someone so amazing.
"Its not polite to stare" she didn't look at me when she speaks these words.
"i can't help it" i say add i walk in her direction, when I'm standing next to her I notice she is drawing a picture but i can't exactly see what it is.
"I brought out some food in case you were hungry" i said gesturing the plate towards her.
"I'm not hungry but thank you anyways."
"so Beautiful do you speak Spanish as well?"
"yes, my mom taught us all while we were very young, back when my father was alive she combined English and Spanish so that my dad could still understand."
"your father was American?"
"haha cant you tell, its clear I'm not all hispanic." When she said this i couldn't help notice that this was the first time she had smiled.
"you have an amazing smile" i look at the kind of nervous for her response.
I looked at her and noticed she had been blushing. We looked deeply in each others eyes before i heard someone clear there throat. We both looked up and it was her mother. I look back towards Beautiful and noticed that the beautiful cherry color had left her cheeks And been replaced with a fearful look.
"Anthony we are getting ready to go, why don't you go get in the car i would like to talk to my daughter."
"No problem ms.leena" i turned to Beautiful and she looked up very slowly.
"it was very nice meeting you Beautiful" i walked towards the house and didn't look back but i knew she had been looking at me and i also knew i had to see get again.

Successfuls POV;
I heard the front door close so i figured my mom had left. I came downstairs and went to the back door so that i could get Beautiful inside but when i got to the patio for i seen my mom standing there telling to Beautiful.
"how dare you embarrass your sister like that!" My mom screamed at my sister.
" has perdido la cabeza perra egoísta" my sister yelled back. I never heard my sister yell at my let alone call her a selfish Bitch.
My mom grabbed my sister by her Hair and mushed her face in the ground, she kicked her in her side and punched her in the face.
" recuerde que usted vive con i puede poner en un segundo im rápida su única esperanza hasta el 18 de mi sangre está en tus venas y usted nunca en su vida me falta de respeto de nuevo en mi propia casa" my mom spat at her.
I hated to say but my mom was right, my sister had no where to go and couldn't leave until she was 18 and she shouldn't disrespect her, i felt wrong to side with my mom but Beautiful knows how she is so she shouldn't have said that. My mom walked towards the back door i should have moved but i was looking at Beautiful lie on the beyond helplessly. My mom pushed through the door causing me to fall. She kicked me add she walked past and then turned around and said words that imprinted right in my heart.
"su tierra al igual que su hermana de mi niño lisiado su débil" she said with an evil grin.
At that moment i did something i never thought i could do. "we are not dirt, we are your kids! And I'm not crippled mother I'm smarter then half kids my age."
She looked at me and laughed."as far as I'm concerned i have one child that i love you and sister don't matter the only reason i let y'all stay is cause legally you are my kids but i hate both of you so when your sisters birthday comes both of you can die for all i care i just want you the fuck out of my house!" She turned and then walked right out the door not looking back even once.

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