Chapter 7

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Successful Pov;

After Tyler left I just sat downstairs, i really was surprised that he even showed up, after him and Beautiful broke up I thought he would never come back. I knew what she was doing when she was upstairs she puts on the same sweats and hurries whenever someone calls her name or knocks on the door. I know she's hurting i think we all are, even Miracle, she doesn't show it but sometimes i hear her cry at night, on the days her and mom actually come home.

I hear Beautiful come down the steps real slow, probably still freaked out from my moms outburst.

"you ok" she says shyly coming to sit beside me.

"i think i should be asking you the same" i reply

"Haha, its a common question when you live in this house."

It's crazy how we didn't have the best life we could always name a joke out if it.

"yeah your right" I say back

"but i was upstairs thinking and i think we should go over to tylers, he said his mom has been wanting me to come over and i really don't want to cook tonight and she is forever cooking, what do you say?"

"yeah lets go" i say standing up immediately, i always loved his mom she treats us like her own and she's the only person who knows what goes on in our home.

We put on some shoes, lock the door and head right over. I love that they live right across the street. This braces are sometimes a struggle and not made for distant walks. When we knocked on the door Tyler opened it, he looked completely stunned to see us. He probably didn't think Beautiful would come over right after their talk in the kitchen,i heard everything... I shouldn't get in her life but i honestly don't think she should get back with him, he hurt her so bad when he left and i hate seeing her hurt.

"um come in" he finally said opening the door more.

As soon as i stepped through the door the smell of food entered my nose making my mouth water. Beautiful didn't speak a word to Tyler and headed straight for the kitchen. I followed behind her and Tyler looking at the pictures on the wall. They had a whole memorial for Tyrone going down the wall, baby pictures, class photos, art projects, certificates, probably anything that had anything to do with him.  The last picture on the wall is of all of us at the amusement park that passing summer, and right under it is a picture of him laying in his casket. Seeing it made me feel some way, i guess its just thinking about his mom passing by it everyday.

When we reached the kitchen Ms.Tarah almost dropped the tortillas from trying to rush over to us she pulled me and Beautiful into a big bear hug.

"its been so long, I've missed you guys, its almost like we live in two different states instead of neighbors" Beautiful flinched fromthe tight and Ms.Tarah automatically knew what was wrong.

"Tyler and Successful y'all help me with dinner while i go talk to Beautiful ok"

"yes ma'am" we said together.

Beautifuls POV;

"What's going on over there?" Tarah said to me with the look of concern on her face

"Nothing I'm fine!"

"don't play games with me baby girl I've been here your whole life and I've known what goes on in that house so tell me what's happened lately"

"the same thing that's for sure, the only thing is that since she started dating this guy she ain't been around enough to hit us its usually just me and Successful at the house"

"i swear you're mom was such a sweet heart back when Toriano was alive."

The mentioning of my father gave me chills up my spine he died when i was 9. Right before she started beating us, I never knew exactly why she beat us i just know she lost it when he died.

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