Chapter 11

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We have been on this bus for a fucking day! This reminds me of when Alice and I have moved out to LA.

The whole time I had my head resting on Colson shoulder.

Eve: We have been on this bus for 24 hours, are we even close to Cleveland ?

Colson: We are actually are less then 10 minutes away.

Eve: Oh my god, really? I haven't been to Cleveland since I left. I haven't even seen my moms in years, maybe I should

Colson: It's the exactly the same, nothing changed.

Eve: Ahhhh, I shall see this.

Alice walked from the back.

Alice: Aw! Look at you two!

She got out her phone out.

Eve: I know what you going to do
Alice. Noooooo!

Alice: It's only right!

Colson: Come on Eve just take the picture.

I hid my face and Colson hugged me.

A flash of light appeared thru my hands. I guess she took the picture.

Eve: Let me see!

Alice: For what, you covered your damn face!

Eve: Soooo! I still wanna see how it look!

Alice: Fine!

She lifelessly gave me her phone.

Kells had the biggest smile on his face, hugging me while I was smiling underneath my extra small palms.

I blushed.

Alice: You two are toooo cute! Ima go in the front of the bus to leave you two alone.

She went back to the front of the bus.

Colson: When we make it to Cleveland there is someone I want to meet.

I start to get nervous, who do he want me to meet? I met his dad when we was younger. Could it be his mom? He didn't have a relationship with her when we were kids.


The bus dropped us all at a house, I'm guessing this is where Colson and the guys stay.

We unloaded the bus.

Eve: Colson, where do I put my stuff at?

Colson: You can just sit it my room, we can figure out where to put it at later.

When we was finished putting our belongings up Colson and I we're talking.

Eve: So what was the surprise you was talking about?

There was a honk.

Colson: I think it's here.

He ran to the door while I was standing there waiting.

Runs in a little girl about my skin tone with dark brown hair, big brown eyes and big rosy cheeks. I mean she was adorable. She was like a girl version of Colson.

Little girl: Daddy!

Colson: Cas! I missed you baby girl!

Little girl: I missed you too daddy!

My face lit up at this adorable moment until it turned into a cold stank face.

Well well, look who comes walking through the door. It's was Heather.

Seeing her face made me think of that day.

My head just started to spin.

Colson: Cas, sweetie go to your room while daddy go talk to mommy okay?

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