Chapter 18

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Weeks Later*** 

I'm sleeping next to Colson and all of a sudden I'm woken with a weird feeling in my stomach. 

I get up from the bed and speed walked to the bathroom.

I put my hand on the wall searching for the light switch.

I feel it and flick it up.

I got on my knees and started to puke in the toilet.

The puke was seriously coming up uncontrollably.

I couldn't stop.

Every time I would lift my head my head would dunk back into the toilet and release more vomit.

I so hope I don't have a bug or something, I hate being sick because I can not funcation right.

I sat next to the toilet just in case I have to vomit again.

I sat by the toilet for about 5 minutes and got up since I haven't puked since then.

I slowly and quietly walked to Alice and Brandon's room.

I walked to Alice side and kneeled down on the floor beside her.

I tapped her lightly.

She tossed her body in the bed, causing her to turn the other way.

I rolled my eyes.

Eve: *Whispering* Alice... Alice... ALICE.

I tapped her again.

Alice: *Sleep* Huh?

Eve: Alice, its me Eve.

I guess her thoughts collected to one another.

She sat up slowly in the bed, rubbing her eyes.

Alice: What's wrong Eve?

Eve: Well I really don't I just woke up out the middle of my sleep and started puking.

Alice: Did you catch anything?

Eve: I don't know, it like just happened.

Alice: What do you thing it could be?

I started to think.

I honestly do not know what this could me.

My forehead isn't warm so I don't have a fever; I doubt that this is food poison because I haven't really been eating anything.

Well I have been cramping like crazy! That could just be my period though.

But I been was suppose to be on my cycle weeks ago.

No! It can't be!

Alice: *Loud Whisper* Eve!

I snapped out of my deep daze.

Eve: Huh?

Alice: Did you figure out the cause for your vomiting could be?

Eve: Um yeah.

Alice: So.... What is it?

Eve: We have to go.

Alice: Nigga it's like 7 am, we're Cleveland, that's not a very bright Eve.

Eve: Come on Alice please!!

Alice: Fine!! You lucky I love.


Alice and I took Colson's car I mean it's not like he will notice it, He wakes up around 12 and we'll be back before then.

Alice: So like where are we going? A nigga feel like she's kidnapped or some shit.

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