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"...blue jeans, white shirt
walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn..."

"…So it's nice to know the differences between the groups of the elements because some of their specific characteristics are going to be on the test." The teacher, a grumpy middle-aged lady with a voice, raspy from years of smoking, said, turning away from the whiteboard and facing the class.

She was met with thirty blank stares.

'Oh look, there goes my Chemistry grade along with all the fucks I give.' A grumpy and sleep deprived Park Jimin thought as he ran his hand through his messy hair, once again trying to fix it and failing. The cotton candy pink bangs still laid uneven on top of his head and occasionally fell in his eyes, irritating him to no end.

"Actually, why won't someone remind us what is, per say, the difference between the Alkali metals and Iron group?"

'Oh God, oh God, I have a lot of fucks to give, I'm promising I'll give fucks from now on, please God, please let it not be me who she asks, I'm furiously giving fucks right now, plea--'

"Jimin, for instance? What do you think?"


"Um. I--" he trailed off, now absolutely certain that yup, his Chemistry grade is now definitely with the mermaids.

'You know, ' he imagined Jin's voice 'beyond the C-level."

Then Jin would cackle loudly at his own joke and keep cackling for a weird amount of time until Namjoon looked at him pointedly with that mixed expression of mockery and sympathy he always carried around the elder.

Jimin really, really wished he was with his friends right now. His damned luck had to screw him up once again - all his friends were together in Maths class while he was stuck with Chemistry, a bunch of symbols and equations he didn't understand and 30 other students who were just as lost as him.

And while Math was his other demon, he would rather be with his friends, thank you very much.

They would be stupid, but at least they would be stupid together. (Apart from Namjoon, that is, because this boy is a goddamn Einstein.)

Blinking, Jimin got out of his trance. He stuttered once more, desperately trying to somehow get out of this situation without being publicly humiliated and/or ending up with an F. Failing Chemistry was the last thing he needed.

He was preparing to be scolded when the door opened loudly and then slammed shut.

And then he came in.

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