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"...you have always worn your flaws upon your sleeve,
and i have always buried them deep beneath the ground..."

He walked in and the world for Park Jimin stopped

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He walked in and the world for Park Jimin stopped.

With his ripped jeans, classic white T-shirt and leather jacket - fucking leather jacket - Jeon Jungkook waltzed into the room, all warm brown eyes and porcelain skin and tattoos and piercings, and suddenly all eyes were on him.

Deadly silence filled the room. No one dared to speak, every single one of the students now watching Jungkook's every move intently, entranced by him.

Jimin couldn't blame them. He was the same just in the beginning of the school year - when he was walking to his locker, relieved that finally the day was over, only to come face to face with the most gorgeous boy he had ever laid his eyes on.

He had blushed and spluttered and stuttered while he excused himself, his eyes trained to the ground until Jungkook got the idea and moved aside so Jimin could reach his locker.

He had caught a glimpse of a cocky smirk, scrunched up nose and bunny teeth and that's all it took, really.

From that day on, Park Jimin had developed an embarassingly huge crush on the school's 'bad boy'.

The one who frequently broke the rules but always managed to come out of the whole situation clean.

The one who didn't give a damn what the others thought about him.

The one who didn't study at all but always got good grades.

The one who got every girl under his charms only to break her heart a few days later.

The one who was currently late for class and standing awkwardly at the front while thirty students gawked at him. Some with admiration, some with fear. Many with both.

"Uhm-" The teacher cleared her throat "Mr. Jungkook, I think it's time for you to learn the starting times of your classes."

He smiled slightly, adjusting the strap of his bag.

'Lord have mercy on my soul.' somewhere in the back Jimin thought as he chewed on his pen nervously, his mind drifting between 'ohgodhessohotholyshit' and 'I hope she forgot about her earlier question'.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Can I sit now?"

The teacher seemingly decided to ignore his cocky tone, flipping him off with a wave of her hand.

Jungkook was looking around, a slight smirk playing on his lips, when he noticed Jimin.

Jimin freezed. He was rooted in his spot, his heartbeat going crazy and his face growing hotter by the second as Jungkook's gaze pierced through him like a knife. His mind became a mush of 'ohgodwhyISHESTARINGATMEohgodOHGOD' and 'I look like such a retard goddamn it, Park Jimin get a fucking grip'.

He kept his gaze glued to the ground, not daring to look up, to see.

He felt a movement and heard the excited whispers of the girls in the back. Dusty black combat boots came into his vision and stopped right next to his seat.

Jimin tensed, gripping the sides of his chair until his knuckles became white.

Everything was moving so slow, the seconds ticking out in his head - the steady hum of ticktockticktock now slicing through him painfully, echoing through his brain and adding up to his panicked breathing.

'Oh god, is he going to sit here? Do I want him to sit here? No, please, don't, I'm going to make a fool of myself, I can't do this, pleasepleaseplease'.

The combat boots headed to the back of the room, leaving Jimin both grateful and disappointed as their soft thud thud thud got further from him.

Jimin didn't dare look up until the end of the class.

He bolted out of the room the second the bell rang, furiously shoving his things in his bag without looking up.

He swore he felt the weight of someone watching him at the back of his head.

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