
539 31 14

"...you sit there in your heartache,
waiting on some beautiful boy
to save you from your own ways..."

Jimin couldn't concentrate for the rest of the day

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Jimin couldn't concentrate for the rest of the day.

When the bell rang he all but bolted out of the room, heading to the arranged meeting place.

He was half inpatient to meet Jungkook, half angry with himself for falling under the other boy's charms.

Most of all, he was anxious.

'What if this is some sort of a joke?' Jimin began thinking after the arranged time came, 'What if he's messing with me? He's never this nice to anyone, must have been a trick.'


'I'm sure he knows how I feel about him, he should've sensed it.'


'What if he decided I wasn't worth his time?'


'Oh well, can't blame him, I guess.'

Jimin really wanted to cry.

He left at 4:20pm.

Jungkook was nowhere in sight.

Jungkook was really near in sight

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Jungkook was really near in sight. On the table next to theirs, to be precise.

Flirting with Jiwoo.

Acting like nothing had happened in the first place.

Leaving for school, Jimin had fairly calmed down, thinking that, 'Well, something could have happened in the last moment and he couldn't make it, right? He would surely try to explain.'

Jimin didn't want to cry anymore.

He wanted to fucking punch Jungkook in the perfect fucking face and break his stupid adorable bunny teeth which were now showing as he smiled and laughed with one of Jimin's friends - one of his closest friends - in front of him. Shamelessly.

Couldn't he at least try to explain?

To apologize?

Guess not.

And judging by the disappointed looks Taehyung was throwing Jungkook from the other side of the room, he wasn't quite fond of his friend's behavior either.

Jimin heard Yoongi quietly calling him and turned his attention to the boy sitting on the other side of the table.

He cracked a tired smile when Yoongi just pointed with his eyes at Jungkook, rolled them and murmured "Fucking jerk.".

Next to Yoongi, Jin offered Jimin a sandwich with soft look in his eyes and an apologetic smile. Hoseok just wrapped his hand around his shoulder before burying his face in his neck, his silent way of telling him "It'll be alright.".

Jimin was grateful, he was, but all he really wanted in that moment was to be left alone.

Away from Jungkook and his lingering smiles and adorable laugh and--

He knew that Jiwoo was super uncomfortable. She wasn't lost to Jungkook's charms at all, awkwardly trying to excuse herself while she threw worried, bordering on panicked glances at Jimin's direction.

He was thankful for that too.

But most of all, he was completely and utterly done.

He untangled himself from Hoseok, ignoring his friends' questioning looks. He stood up slowly, collected his things from the table and approached Jiwoo and Jungkook, backpack casually on his shoulder, his head held high, gaze focused, steps unhurried.

His whole body screamed confidence and he wasn't even sure how he did it.

Before he knew what he was doing, he was beside Jiwoo, getting between her and Jungkook, pulling her aside and gently putting his hand around her shoulders.

He grabbed her backpack and handed it to her while she looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights - she was bewildered by his actions but Jimin couldn't help but notice the relief in her eyes either.

Later he couldn't remember how he had managed to do any of that at all, but as he listened to Jiwoo's endless apologies until the end of the day, he remembered thinking one thing.

'This kid is a really good friend.'

He couldn't remember the way Jungkook had looked at him in the café either.


yeah i have no idea where this is going either

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