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"...oh, can you tell?
i haven’t slept very well since the last time that we spoke..."

Jimin woke up to sunshine on his face, aching limbs and a pounding headache

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Jimin woke up to sunshine on his face, aching limbs and a pounding headache.

He groaned, squinting his eyes, and buried his face in the mess of pillows, refusing to face reality right now.

Jimin woke up alone.

The only sign the previous night had ever happened was the steady stream of bruises all over his collar bone and shoulders.

He flushed at the memory of how he had begged, pliant and completely under Jungkook's mercy.

The same Jungkook that was now missing from the room, all his things gone, now only Jimin's clothes thrown  in random places.

He refused to cry.

'That's what you get, you useless piece of shit," thought Jimin, "That's what you get for throwing yourself at the school's fuckboy."

He got up hastily, collecting his things and hurriedly dressing up.

'Did he even want me? Was it just the alcohol talking? Does he think I'm a whore now? Do I repulse him? Do I--'

A tear rolled down his cheek and he wiped it angrily, pressing his lips in a thin line to stop the sobs raising in his throat.

Jimin exited the room, the door slamming shut behind him.

"What do you mean 'he just left'?" Hoseok spat the last words with such disgust and rage Jimin felt it seeping through his bones

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"What do you mean 'he just left'?" Hoseok spat the last words with such disgust and rage Jimin felt it seeping through his bones.

"Exactly what you just heard. He just collected his things and left while I was asleep. Probably couldn't believe who he fucked while he was drunk." Jimin stated, completely calm.

All his friends around him looked at him worriedly, touched him carefully, speaked cautiously. As if they were expecting him to burst into tears in any given moment.

Jimin hated it.

Hated how they all thought he was some porcelain doll, some pure, untainted soul that had just met the pain of the real world.

Hated the pitiful looks they sent at his direction, hated their sweet smiles, their endless proposals to help him with his homework or walk him home.

As if he'd crumble completely the moment they left him alone.

And Jimin... he just wanted silence. He wanted to be alone, unobserved by anyone - just alone.

He had no tears left. They had ended two days ago as he had sobbed uncontrollably, curled up under a blanket in his bed.

What was left, however, was school. And his friends who now treated him as if he were some scared little kid.

'I can get through this,' Jimin encouraged himself, 'Just three more classes until I can go home.'

And he was sure he could do it, at least unti he heard that familiar laughter echoing through the cafeteria as Jungkook entered, surrounded by his crew.

Jimin's chest tightened, but not with sadness -- with rage.

That's why he almost smiled when Hoseok got up and punched Jungkook square in the jaw.

Jungkook swayed back with the force of it, steadying himself on a nearby table before looking up with surprise written across his features.

"Hey, what the fuck you little--" yelled one of his friends, throwing himself to hit Hoseok himself.

Taehyung, however, held him in place.

"Dude, stop. We don't want fights here. Let's leave them to their own problems." He said as he eyed Jungkook and Hoseok pointedly.

Jungkook nodded and all his friends left, glaring at Hoseok while making their way towards the door.

The whole café got dead silent. Everyone was waiting to see what would happen next, whether there was going to be a fight or not.

Jimin could bet his right hand half of the school outside the café already knew there was something going on.

Jungkook cleared his throat.

"Now can someone tell me exactly what is this about?" He asked, folding his arms in front of his chest.

Hoseok, on the other hand, was fuming.

"What is this about?" His loud voice echoed through the place, "You know exactly what this is about. It's about the fact that you're a fucking dick."

Some snickers and giggles could be heard from the other students.

Hoseok continued, blind and deaf for everything that wasn't Jungkook. "Like who the fuck sleeps with someone else and then leaves without an explanation? You could have just explained to him that it had been a one-time thing but noooo, fucking Jeon-I'm-the-worlds-best-playboy-look-at-me-Junkook just had to run off like the coward he is. Did you even think about how he's going to feel in the morning? Do you ever think about other people's feelings, Jungkook? Have you ever--"

"Hobi, please." Jimin's voice interrupted his friend's tirade, a soft look on his face.

Everyone was looking at him, wondering what exactly he has to do with this whole situation, waiting for him to speak, to move, to do anything--

He stepped forward, slightly gripping Hoseok's shoulder, reassuring him.

"But--" Hoseok protested, but Jimin shushed him with a shake of his head.

"I can handle this on my own." He said, his jaw slightly clenching as he kept his gaze glued to the ground.

He felt Jungkook's gaze on him, questioning, waiting.

Jimin looked up and met his eyes.

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