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"...the blood is on your tongue
as well as your hands..."

A flash of surprise passed through Jungkook's eyes before his face went back to its previous unreadable expression

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A flash of surprise passed through Jungkook's eyes before his face went back to its previous unreadable expression. He raised an eyebrow, eyeing Jimin up and down, gaze challenging.

"Well?" He trailed off with a bored voice, "I'm listening. Make it quick thought, I have a class in like," He paused to demonstratively check his watch "five minutes."

Any anger that Jimin had felt until then just drained from his body. He was tired.

Tired of being the pining fool he was.

Tired of always relying on his friends, always waiting for them to save him.

Tired of getting riled up so fast just to go back to this damn cowardly nature of his the moment he ran into the slightest bit of inconvenience.

He didn't ask for any of this.

All he had ever wanted was some piece, stay with his friends and maybe a good grade or two.

He had certainly never planned to pine over the school's 'bad boy' who respectively didn't even notice him, get drunk on a birthday party and have sex with him just so he would wake up the morning after to see he had been used, played and then tossed away like some piece of garbage.

'Which I totally am but that's not the point here.'

Ending his internal monologue, Jimin gripped Hoseok's shoulder even tighter and said.

"Come on, Hobi, let's get out of here. There's no point in making a fuss. Besides," he eyed Jungkook with menace, "it's not even worth the energy."

Hoseok looked at him with surprise but nodded nonetheless.

They quickly got out of the café, the other students' whispers following them to the door.

Now outside, Hoseok looked at Jimin worryingly and asked.

"You alright?"

The other nodded hastily.

"You shouldn't have done that."

Hoseok nodded, his gaze falling to the ground.

"I know."

"Now everyone knows what happened."

"I know and I'm sorry, I really am, I just--"

"It's okay, don't worry." He pretended to check the time. "Sorry, but I gotta go. Class calls, you know."

Hoseok opened his mouth to answer but Jimin was already slipping away, walking down the sidewalk towards the school.


Said boy stopped dead in his tracks.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Without turning around, Jimin answered.

"Yeah, I'm fine. See you later."

He pretended he didn't feel the weight of his friend's worried gaze on his back.

Jimin was definitely not fine

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Jimin was definitely not fine.

He was furious.

At Hoseok, who unknowingly humiliated him in front of the whole school.

At Jungkook, who didn't give a shit about anyone except himself.

At the others, for just sitting there, watching him and probably laughing at him or even worse, pitying him.

At mostly, he was furious with himself - for backing off, for running away.

For being a coward.

And when he thought about it, it wasn't even that big of a deal.

'I mean, where's the drama here? It's not like he took my virginity.'

'Except he did.'

Jimin fell asleep with teary eyes and scattered thoughts of a certain bunny-toothed, tattooed jerk.

There was a note in his locker on the next day

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There was a note in his locker on the next day.

Firstly Jimin didn't pay much attention to it, writing it off as someone mistaking his locker for someone else's.

But then he noticed the name written in a messy scrawl under the short message and froze in place.

He slowly unfolded the slightly crumbled piece of paper and began to read it with wide eyes. It said:

come behind the school after classes. i'll meet you there
-jungkook :)

Jimin almost choked on air when he saw the smily face. Was this some kind of a joke? Jungkook would never use a goddamn smiley face, for God's sake!

Jimin was going to kill Seokjin for pranking him like this.

Someone awkwardly cleared their throat behind him. Jimin turned around, expecting to see Hoseok or Namjoon, but instead found himself face to face with Jeon Jungkook.

"What?" Jimin snapped, not ready for another scene this day. Enough was enough already.

Jungkook scratched his neck nervously and said.

"Um, hey? I just-- wanted to apologize. You know, for yesterday." At the other boy's raised eyebrow, he added, "I shouldn't have provoked you. But it still hurt- the punch, I mean."

God, this was so weird.

Jimin dug his nail into his palm just so he could be sure he's not dreaming - Jungkook apologizing? To him?

Way too good to be true.

It seems like Jungkook took his silence the wrong way, because he started fidgeting even more and stuttered out.

"Um, anyway, come behind the school later. Please." He let out a sigh, "I-- I'd like to explain myself."

Jimin nodded, too dumbstruck to trust his voice.

And as he was watching Jungkook's retreating back, he thought.

'What the hell did I get myself into?'

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