Safe and Sound

383 18 6

16 Years Old

The narrow way home seems to get narrower as each step I take.

The madness in Don Philip's eyes made my insides recoil

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The madness in Don Philip's eyes made my insides recoil. Suddenly, my body trembled and shivered for what he might do to my mom.

So I stopped walking.

My plan is to go back in the manor, think carefully of an effective way to save my mom. But time is my enemy here. I don't know if she will still be alive tomorrow.

"Master Arya, debemos movernos. El bosque es un lugar peligroso."      -(Master Arya, we should get moving. The woods is a dangerous place.)

I forced my feet to move but after a few steps, I stopped again.

I'm really torn. Prolonging the rescue will cost my mother her own life and that means a lifetime of regret and suffering. I might as well be dead if that happens.

"One of you contact the Manor. Tell Logan that I will be needing my fastest car. Tell him to be at the moor, on the tunnel exit of the De Cordova's underground hideout."

They are all fazed and stared at me with bulging eyes. They were totally frozen on the spot and I can't blame them.

I know I'm being inconsiderate right now and being this impulsive is putting their lives in danger.

"Now!" I growled.

One of the guard is currently talking to Logan when I whirl around and started taking the trail back to the De Cordova's Mansion.

"I may well regret this later but I've sworn to protect the Meyers and so I will accompany Master Arya even to the death."

"Stop your nonsense." I snapped. "No one is going to die. Not tonight."

A few more minutes then I can clearly hear the wave as it washes the shore.

We're almost there.

The tunnel makes me dubious. The opening is so dark and creepy but this is not the time to have a cold feet. I need to get inside.

Two guards walk in front of me while the three protect my blind side.

About 50 meters, we saw a light and we cease walking, switch off the flashlight and waited for the person holding a torch to pass.

This is the very first time I came here. Long ago, I secured a copy of the floor plan of this building, memorized every detail unknowing that one day I'll be needing those information.

I turned left when we reach an intersection. Finally we are facing the door that will lead me inside the Mansion.

The knob isn't locked much to my surprise. I know that there is a great possibility that I'm walking into a trap but I ignored it.

My mother is here and they are using her as bait.

"The Meyers Young Master was here a while ago." I heard someone said. When I peek, I saw a man standing on the doorway of a room. From where we are, the room is on my right aide while a staircase is exactly opposite the door.

 From where we are, the room is on my right aide while a staircase is exactly opposite the door

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"Did she left already?" Asked a frantic voice.

The voice is raspy and tight but I recognize it nonetheless.

It's mom.


I heard a sob inside the room and balled my fist to refrain myself from screaming and going wild.

The man outside the door of mommy's prison is holding an alarm and once he punch that alarm, I am not sure I will be able to get out alive.

What I'm doing right now defies all reason and rules and once I get caught it will be me against everyone.

I need to be very careful.

And so we waited until the warden dozed off.

One hour has passed and so the man is now slumbering on the floor with his back leaned on the brick wall.

One of my guard carefully snatch the alarm from the man's grip and also fished out the keys on his pocket.

When the door finally opened, I hastily went inside.

My heart poured out when I saw the sight of my mother. Her frame pressed to the cold wall of the Mansion's basement. Her right foot shackled and chained to the wall. Her  short hair is in total disarray, something I never seen before.

A silent cry stuck on my throat. She's lying unconscious on the floor. This prison is much worse than what I had in mind.

Don Philip really made sure that I will be in totally ravaged mentally and spiritually.

That old man knows I can't get revenge. Unless, I will declare that Lea is my mother. But then, it will be useless cause that means I might lost my chance to be the next Head of the Seven.

But she is my mom.

Are the rules that govern the Seven Mafia Clan much more important than my own mother?

I don't so.

You already have a resolution. Why are having second thoughts now? You said just a few hours ago that your mother is all that matter. A tiny voice in my head reminded me.

"Release her." I muttered.

"Master Ciel!" All my guards exclaimed simultaneously.

The bravest one stepped forward.

"Please, Master. Think it over again. Releasing her means you are ex--"

"Shut up! Don't make me repeat myself." I yelled. "Do as I say."

"Master Arya, are you sure you won't regret this?" Logan asked calmly. I didn't notice that he is already here.

"I certainly will. Probably after this. But let's do it, while I still have the courage. Take my mom out of here."

To be continued...

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