Chapter 7

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Li Mei's POV

"Hey, Xiao Li! You ready to go?" Dominic greets me with a charming smile.

"Yea!" I say with a smile.

Wang Yuan's POV

"Are we going to your house, Yuan Yuan?" Makayla asks for the millionth time.

"Could you just leave me alone today?! I'm not having a good day!" I yell at Makayla and storm home.

As soon as I walk into the house, I lock the door and rush to my room.

I wonder what Xiao Li's doing right now. I have a bad feeling about this 'Dominic' guy.

Ugh. Why couldn't it be me going to the movies with Xiao Li?!

I slammed my fist onto my desk, frustrated.

Should I tell her about my crush on her? No. Then Addison will kill her.

I doubt she likes me anyways. She's probably crushing on that stupid 'Dominic' kid.

Li Mei's POV

"Bye! I'll see you at school!" I wave to Dominic as he drops me off at the house.

He gives me a nod and a smile and drives away.

I close the front door and lock it. I turn around and find Wang Yuan on the couch, watching TV.

"Hey, Wang Yuan!" I greet him with a smile.

"Hey." He replies and gets on his phone.

I head up to my room and take a shower.

Knock knock.

"Come in." I answer without looking up from the homework I was doing.

Wang Yuan steps into my room and closes the door behind him.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asks, looking down at his feet.

"I was never mad at you. I'm glad you're with Makayla. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." I say with a smile.

Wang Yuan's POV

I faked a smile. I knew she didn't like me. Why would a girl like her like a guy like me? I need to stop dreaming.

"Thanks. Friends again?" I say, putting my hand out.

She grinned and shook my hand.

Li Mei's POV

It hurts my heart that he was dating Makayla. But if he really likes her, I need to accept that.

I sighed and went back to my homework.

Eventually, I realized I couldn't concentrate like this and put the papers back in my backpack.

'What to do?' I thought to myself, drawing circles on my bed with my finger.

I plugged my headphones into my phone and started to listen to my TFBOYS playlist.

~Next Day At School~

"Good morning." I say with a smile as I enter Mrs. Wu's classroom.

"Take a seat." She says, rudely like always.

But somehow, I'm in a good mood today. And nothing is gonna change that.

Once everyone was in class, Mrs. Wu said she had an announcement.

"Our class is going on a trip for a week to a camp. I have assigned you each a partner. It's boy-girl so don't expect to be with your friend." Mrs. Wu said.

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