3. Serena

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I woke up, extremely pissed off and the loud beep that plagued my gentle eardrums. I grunted, sat up, reach over, and turned off the alarm on my phone. I couldn't believe it was Monday already..On the bright side, I could see my friends, I told myself.

Yeah, but do they want to see you?

Of course they did. They were still my friends, right?


I told myself to shut it or I'd kill him.

I swung myself off the bed, yawning and stretching. A cup of coffee seemed delicious right about now. But that was for whenever I finished getting ready.

I walked over to my closet and opened it up, looking through clothes, trying to decide what looked nice and what would match. I finally decided on blue flannel with a black t shirt underneath, along with black jeans and my blue hi-top sneakers. I thought the outfit would compliment my horizontal-windswept hairstyle. I probably still looked like a rat, though. I hope I didn't. I still liked looking good, I thought to myself as I brushed my teeth. Looking over to the clock, I noticed it was 7:45.

I was nearly late.

I dashed to the kitchen, chugged my scalding coffee (Which was a really huge regret shortly after), grabbed my backpack, and ran to my car. I was so glad I recently got my driver's license. Once I got in the car, I carefully pulled out of the driveway, then zoomed as fast as I could legally go to the distant school.

By the time I had gotten there, I was already nearly panicking. If I had another tardy, I would have probably been expelled!

(I skipped class a lot.)

As I got out, I noticed the time in my car's clock; 7:57. I bolted towards the inside of the school, ran to my homeroom while ignoring all the weird looks people gave me, and stopped outside the door. I had to regain my composure. I just couldn't believe I actually made it. I hope I didn't look horrible because of it. "Ah, who cares anyway," I thought to myself. I walked into my class, ignoring everyone and sat down in my desk at the front of the class.

Well, it wasn't really a desk. My homeroom was a science classroom, and the desks were really large tables that up to four students could share. Some had two partners, though.

I looked over to spot my own, and smiled softly at what she was doing.

Serena constantly read. It wasn't a bad thing, it just complimented her broad vocabulary and humoured her elegant physique, in terms of it's stereotype.

English translation: She was a smart, pretty blonde.

By the time class had begun, she was still reading her book. I was paying attention of course because I needed to do so it order to keep my A honor roll, unlike her. All she had to do was have a simple explanation or directions on paper and she would become a master at things. It was ridiculous how she said that she wasn't smart, and that a monkey could do the things she does.

A monkey couldn't be nowhere near that beautiful.

I felt the logical side of my brain punch my hormones and yell for it to shut up. I'm surprised nobody else heard it. It was rather loud.

Eventually, the teacher said we needed to get with a partner. "We are going to do an activity to show the speed of atoms in different forms of matter. This is simple, but judging from yesterday's poor show of knowledge, it seems you haven't learned basic middle school science. Therefore, we will learn this again," she said, adamant. Immediately, I moved my chair to beside Serena, unwavering to Mrs. Freida's tone. "Howdy, pardner. How's yer day?" I smiled at her, hoping she'd find my terrible country accent at least slightly amusing. She closed her book, put it into her backpack, and gave me a tiny smile. "Fairly well, however I fell asleep in my study last night while reading," she said. She sounded a bit tired. I assumed it was probably very late when she did fall asleep. I was going to respond to her, but was cut off by Mrs. Freida. Serena and I turned to face her.

"Now, class, I want you to make a fist. Boys, don't get excited; we're not starting any fights."

Serena and I followed every direction, some awkwardly, some easily.

"Alright, now put your fists against each other's, so the knuckles are facing one another." She demonstrated with her own hands.

I hesitated slightly once I heard this. It sucked that I felt a small feeling for Serena. It wasn't massive anymore, but it was certainly there. One day, it may blossom.

We continued throughout the lesson, until every student had it memorized. Of course, Serena took the time to read (to which I don't blame her, it was rather boring), and I just took it to think about things. The day went on normally, until I returned home.

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