4. Water

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As soon as I went on, I threw my backpack to the wall and stretched my back, grunting softly. That thing was fucking heavy since I couldn't afford a locker, but I managed. Painfully. Nobody was home. Again. However this time, I didn't know where they went. And I kinda didn't care. I was all alone with the sound of silence...

Hello, darkness, my old friend. I grinned at my own joke. A bit sad, but sometimes, you're the best person to make yourself laugh, right?

I went up to my room, thinking about how I would go about my day. Once I reached my room, I changed out of my normal days clothes and into my comfy ones; black lounge pants and a plain white t-shirt. No socks. I felt comfortable without socks. After I changed, I flopped down facefirst onto my bed. It wasn't long until a monstrous sound filled my room, loud enough to even wake the dead.

Exhaling loudly sometimes made me feel better.

I rolled over onto my back, folding my hands over my chest- and stared at the ceiling. What to do, what to do...was there anyone to text? Maybe, I'll just watch YouTube. Nothing could go wrong there.

I went with watching YouTube because that seemed to be the better option. It wasn't like anyone wanted to talk anyways, probably. If they wanted to, they'd text me or something instead of having me text first. And if they needed to talk, they'd call me or something.

Everything's alright.

I put my hand in my pocket, fumblef around in it for a second, then put my phone on the nightstand.
For future reference, my room was rather small. It was just a basic small square with just a bed, TV, nightstand, closet, and Playstation 4 Console. Not much, but it was cozy. I kept it clean a lot though.
From out of the nightstand's drawer, I took my PS4's controller and turned it on with the controller itself. I laid back, got under my cover and relaxed, and opened YouTube. It felt like I was laying with the finest of angels with how comfy I was...

And then, I saw the video.

I was subscribed to Serena's YouTube channel for fun; the same reason she made it in the first place. She just posted fun videos or skits or book reviews or things like that. Her videos normally didn't show up in my recommended.

But this one was different.

Uploaded 23 Minutes Ago: "My best friend was arrested".

My best blonde bookworm's teary eyes filled the thumbnail.

At that point, it was like water in my lungs. The shock jolted a kickstart in my heart and while it revved up, I frantically clicked on the video.

Serena's beautiful blue eyes shimmered on the screen behind the tears as her voice broke a bit. She did her normal intro to her videos ("Hello, everyone, Sunshine here..."), she took a deep breathe and she explained that one of her friends was arrested for smashing the window of a family of four with a baseball bat. She was charged with attempted robbery and breaking and entering, and at that moment, she didn't have to say who the person was. My heart saw the truth before my eyes or ears saw or heard anything.

Crys was smashing melons again. The bat must have slipped out of her hand and hit the window of a nearby house. She would never be a thief, except for food. Crys was innocent. My own eyes welled up with their own person waterfall. I reached over quickly and grabbed my phone to check the time.

My heart shattered into a thousand pieces.


I threw back on my clothes as quick as I humanly could and bolted out of the house with only my phone, keys, and wallet.

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