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(Just to clear things it's about a November 15th.)

Social Anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people. You could say social anxiety is the fear and anxiety of being negatively judged and evaluated by other people.

Justin's pov.

"Wait your serious?" I asked my dad excitingly.

"Yes, I'm serious, your aunties and uncles want to see you, as well as your cousins, so I agreed for us to all go there." My dad smiled.

"Will I get to see Raegan? And Kale? Jack?" I questioned him.

"Yes, now go pack, we leave in two days." My dad told us. I quickly finished eating, washed my plate and ran upstairs to my room. I grabbed my phone opening it to Instagram, so I could text Jack, Kale and Raegan in our group chat.

JustinBlake: Hey guys, guess what?

KaleBlaze: What bitch? I was in the middle of playing outlast 2?

TheJackWay: Kale be nice, what do you want to tell us Jay?

JustinBlake: I'm coming to Maryland in two days!!!!!!!

KaleBlaze: Shut up, you are not.

JustinBlake: Yeah I am, I'm supposed to be packing right now!

TheJackWay: Then go pack, then text us when your done!

KaleBlaze: Yeah hoe, get it done!

RaeganBeast: What did I miss?

KaleBlaze: Scroll up hoe.

RaeganBeast: I would but lazy, just tell me.

TheJackWay: Justin's coming to Maryland, in two days.

RaeganBeast: What?! Really!? Sweet!?

I laughed at Raegan's reply and went to go get my suitcase from my closet. I wheeled it out and opened it, flopping it down on the floor. I opened my dresser, and threw some outfits in, binders, socks, boxers. I packed all the necessary items, my shampoo, body wash, clothes, toothpaste and toothbrush, razor. My phone went off multiple times, but I ignored it. I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I called to the person. The door opened, revealing Danny.

"Oh hi Dan." I greeted him. He waved me came and sat on my bed.

"Listen about what happened four months ago..." Danny trailed off.

"Danny James Blake, that's in the past, it's forgotten and forgiven, okay?" I told him reassuringly, patting his back, zipping up my suitcase.

"You sure? Have the others forgiven me?" He asked.

"I don't know, wanna ask them?" I said and pulled my laptop out, going onto Skype, starting a group video between Kale, Jack, Raegan and I. Within the first few rings, Kale and Jack picked up, smiling brightly at me.

"Hey guys!" I laughed at them.

"Hi Justin, who's that in the background?" Jack asked curiously.

"Oh it's Danny, say hi Dan." I moved so Danny was more in the frame.

"Uhhhh hi guys...." Danny said awkwardly.

"Hi Danny!" The boys greeted and Danny waved shyly.

"He's so awkward! It's super cute!" Kale gushed out, making Danny blush. Danny was really awkward, he has big social anxiety, but he deals with it. Meeting people he's possibly hurt, or doesn't really know, is always awkward for Danny. I have social anxiety too, so I know what it's like.

"I'm sorry." Danny apologizes.

"What why?" Jack asked confused.

"Because, if it wasn't for me, on holding a grudge and saying all those things about Raegan, then we wouldn't be here. We would be in Maryland." Danny told us sadly.

"Danny, it was four months ago, sure we were mad at first, but we're over it now, I mean you're a great guy! Funny! Exciting! Handsome! We know you didn't mean harm, only protecting your brother." Jack told Danny, Danny nodded and looked down.

"Well I'm going to go, and finish packing, bye Jay, bye Jack, bye Kale!" Danny said and escorted himself out of my room.

"So your seriously coming to Maryland?" Kale asks excitingly.

"Yeah, for Christmas, my family over there wants to see me and Danny, but I also get free time to do whatever I want, so first chance I get, I'm coming over!" I exclaimed with excitement.

Razzlez_Beast is joining...

"Hey guys!" He smiled beautifully, making butterflies and fireworks, go off in my stomach.

"Hey Raegan!" The others greeted normally.

"Hi Rae!" I smiled blushing, looking down.

"Justin, is still such a smol bean!" Kale gushed in awe.

"Shut up Kale!" I blushed and hide my face with sweater paws.

"Isn't he cute Raegan?" Kale asked, while Jack just giggled in his frame.

"Absolutely adorable."

(A/n: Well now isn't this cute. I think it's cute, whoop first cute Jaegan moment of the book! Yay!)

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