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If your a fan of Kale, and you've watched his room tour video, then you know what I'm talking about, later in his chapter.

Justin's pov.

It was about courtier way through the movie. The paranormal stuff, was just beginning. Where the spirit killed the dog, and the birds. The clocks all stop at 3:07.

To say I wasn't scared, because I wasn't. I was straight out terrified. Nothing to scary happened yet, but I know how it goes. And I just want to watch frozen. Sing 'Do you wanna build a snowman' and 'let it go'. But no, here I am, scared shitless.

The movie went on, and they found the little circus music box. They discovered what went on there. The girl popped up.

"Justin? You okay?" Raegan whispered concerned. I look at him, like a deer in headlights. Someone was behind Raegan with a knife.

I screamed. Very loudly.

I sat up, I was finally able to move and I ran up to Kales room locking the door and turning on the lights, and jumped in one of his beds. I buried myself in the things on it, not really caring.

I cried into my arms, I was so scared. My breathing was uneven, and I knew I was having a panic attack.

There was knocks on the door, and the door nob jiggled. And then I heard the door open. I didn't want to look. I don't think I psychically could. I felt something remove the things on my body, and I tensed. My tears came faster and breathe completely stopped.

I was pulled into someone arms, and they rubbed my back. I felt safe, I knew it was Raegan.

"It's okay Jay, I'm here now, it's okay." I heard Raegan say, and my head felt dizzy.

And then everything, slowed, and I felt myself drifting to sleep.


I woke up, in soft, warm, safe arms. Raegan stayed with me? The whole night? Wow...

I opened my eyes, and was met with the bright sun light, and a aching headache.

"Ow!" I winced, kind of loudly, which caused Raegan to stir and wake up.

"Oh Raegan, I'm so sorry, about that, and last night." I apologized, bowing my head to face the bed.

"Justin's it's fine, Kale wanted to joke, he didn't know, he'd scare you that much though, it's fine honestly." He reassured me, but I wasn't convinced.

"I'm hungry, wanna go make breakfast?" Raegan asked me, I nodded and hopped off of Kale's bed in the corner of his room. Raegan followed, his feet hitting the floor, with a thud. I peeked my head in Kale's second room, and saw Danny cuddled up between Kale and Jack.

I let out a giggle and made my way out of Kale's room. Raegan was telling me about how Kale's parents weren't here, because they left somewhere.

I didn't honestly listen, I payed attention to the art and family pictures. Lots of them were of him and his sister Lily, as children, and then they progressed into a mixture of preteen an teen years. I smiled fondly seeing Kale in his little boy clothes, he's always been vocal about him being transgender. I found it amazing. I looked up to Kale.

I mean who wouldn't? He's kind, funny, amazing, such a great friend. He listens, and would do anything for the people he loves. He defends them and protects them with his life, and that's just amazing. He's so caring.

I always seem to get lost in my thought because Raegan was shaking me so we could start cooking. I guess we decided on eggs and bacon, because I saw eggs and bacon sitting on the counter.

"I need your opinion on something." Raegan asked me. I nodded for him to continue.

"Scrambled or fried eggs?"

(A/n: haha such a serious question, but Awh, Raegan stayed the whole night with Justin, Awh!!!!! I'm the one writing this and I'm not lying when I say I teared up writing it. So cute!)

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