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Justin's pov.

It was half way through the movie, and I had finished my pop and popcorn. I mumbled something to Kale, saying I was going to go get more. I got out of my seat, trying to be, quiet as possible. I shuffled to the lobby, dumbing the bits of left over kernels into the garbage, then sped walked till I made it to the lobby. Once I was done the long hallway, filled with movie posters. I made it the lobby, the smell of buttery popcorn and other sweets filled the air. I stopped suddenly, just to take in the smell, then giggled, and moved to continue, but was blocked by a big figure.

"Well hello, if it isn't the little girl again?" I heard a familiar voice laugh.

"What do you want James?" I yawned, really not in the mood to put up with this.

"Revenge. You kicked my ass. You humiliated me. You, a tiny little girl, took down, a beast of a man like me. I want revenge sweet heart, and I'll get it." He smirked, and I couldn't help but be alarmed.

"Oh, that so called boyfriend of yours, doesn't even like you, never did. Why do you think he gave up so easily? Why do you think, he left you? Used you. Forgot about you. Replaced you. Sierra's the girls name. He's not even gay. They planned to move in together, after you leave." He taunted me, circling me, he's words, stung like boiling water.

"But oh well, it doesn't matter now. I best be going, farewell girl!" James said, waved and walked off.

I didn't even care about the movie anymore. I didn't care, that I'd miss it. I didn't care, that I'd disappoint Raegan. I left. I ran out of that movie theatre, so fast. By the time I stopped, I didn't know where I was. I had my phone, so I decided to give someone a call.

"Hey, do you- do you, think you could get me some w-whiskey, strong. I-I-ll pay you back, I promise, I just need this r-right now." I muttered brokenly as they picked up.

"Sure, be right there, text me your where abouts." They said and hung up. I looked up and saw the street I was on and texted them that. They responded quickly, saying they'd be here shortly. I sighed and sat on the curve, and kind of zoned out. Time passed by quickly, and soon as I know it, a vehicle pulled over.

"Justin! It's been a while, how you've been?" They said, and walked over to me, handing me a bag, which I assume had the alcohol in it.

"Rizzy, I've been- well better then now... T-thanks for doing this for me, I-I really appreciate it. But don't tell D-danny, or a-anyone please?" I asked him, stuttering over some words, my voice cracking brokenly as I said Danny's name quieter, then everything else. I knew if he found out, he'd be just as broken as me.

"Yeah, sure, just stay safe, love ya kid, see you around." He told me and jumped back in his car, and zoomed off. I looked in the bag and took out the bottle of whiskey. I unscrewed it, and began walking. I don't know where, but I walked. A lot. I eventually, wondered to a park, where I sat on the swings. Alone. With my whiskey.

Soon my mind fell fuzzy, and my eyes dropped, everything became fuzzing after that, and I became a walking zombie. My feet taking me, where I didn't know.

Raegan's pov.

It had been brought to my a attention, that Justin left to get more popcorn and pop. I watched him leave. But he left for so long, I decided to go check up on him, to see what's taking him so long.

I walked out to the lobby, no one there, except the employees. Next the bathroom, not in there either, where could he have gone. I went back out to the lobby and decided it was best to ask one of the workers.

"Hey, uh, have you seen, a boy, about this tall, brown hair, glasses, a grey sweater come by here, by any chance?" I asked one of them, describing what Justin looks like, making hand motions and everything.

"Yeah, he was with this taller boy early, then flew out of here, so quick. Haven't seen him since." One responded. I nodded and thanked them, before going back to the theatre where Moana was playing.

"Kale, Jack, Justin's gone." I said in a hushed whisper.

"What? Where'd he go?" Kale asked alarmed that Justin was gone.

"Come one, let's go." I rushed out, scared to what was going to happen to my baby. We hurried out of our seats, leaving our pop corn and drinks behind, also getting groans from people who couldn't see the movie and we left the theatre.

"Where do you think he could've gone?" Jack asked, clearly worried, like the rest of us.

"Uh, fuck, I don't know, text Danny, and his dad." I said, my mind fogging with concern and fear. I looked around lost, and I just started running, because if he ran out of the theatre, he probably didn't stop running. I heard Kale and Jack call after me, but I ignored them. I slowed down to a walking pace, and thought, who would know where Justin is?

I scrolled through all my contacts, calling some to see if they knew, and then I saw one, that I never would of thought of.

His mom.

That's where he is, he's with his mom.

I bulleted down the street, running towards the grave yard. It came in view, and I stopped to catch my breathe, then continued. I moved around the grave yard, walking on the paved walk ways, I looked for a out line of a person, the out line of Justin.

But I didn't have to look far, because suddenly I heard broken sobs and I looked ahead and saw a little lump laying on someone's grave. The sight broke me. I walked over, quietly, not wanting to startle him. As I neared him, I heard him, muttering the same thing with his sobs.

"I'm sorry."

"Justin? It's me, Raegan?" I spoke carefully, pulling out my phone and texting Kale, saying that I found him and I'll bring him home with me. I saw Justin move and look at me, and he only cried harder.

"Justin, it's me, I won't hurt you, okay?" I looked at him, crouching down and kneeling beside him. I picked him up, whispered for him to go to sleep. But he mumbled something.

"What was that Jay?" I asked him, still being very quiet.

"I'm just like him."

(A/n: uh? Hi? It's been awhile and I'm sorry, I kinda got my life together. And I'm getting use to being the way I am, and things have just gotten a bit better, and I'll hopefully be updating again! So whoo! I also had this written since July? But just never published it? I don't know, just hi? Well bye I guess? I hope you enjoyed this.)

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